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The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) was reauthorized by the United States Congress in 2018 and is now named the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V). Like Perkins IV, Perkins V supports the expansion of Career and Technical Education (CTE). It challenges students with rigorous academic and CTE instruction, a method that prepares students for high-skill, living-wage or in-demand and emerging professions.

Perkins incorporates national research and information to continuously improve CTE programs and activities, while providing services such as professional development for educators at the State and local levels. This full circle framework also advocates for strong partnerships between secondary schools, postsecondary institutions and the local workforce.

With the use of resources such as theCareer Cluster Guide Book and New Mexico Career Pathways, schools and institutions can guide students to a successful career path within New Mexico. Career Clusters and recommended programs of study help students of all backgrounds find a career path that not only meets their interests, but also ensures a sustainable living.

Recommended Programs of Study

The Public Education Department (PED), College and Career Readiness Bureau (CCRB), has formally adopted several Career Technical Education (CTE) programs of study. Below you will find a list of the Approved Programs of Study in the 16 Career Clusters. These programs help schools strengthen career technical education statewide. We encourage you to begin using them as part of your comprehensive career technical education curriculum. Contact your Perkins coach for any assistance you may need.

Career & Technical Education Standards

NMAC 6.29.3 sets the standards for all Career and Technical Education courses and programs. These standards require that all districts, charter schools, eligible state educational institutions, and eligible state postsecondary institutions meet challenging academic and technical standards which culminate at the end of a program. The NM CTE standards are structured accordingly:

  1. Content Standards (span all Career Clusters)
  2. Cluster Standards (for all programs in one of the 16 Career Clusters)
  3. Pathway Standards (particular to the CTE program)
  4. Career Ready Practices (span all Career Clusters)

Advance CTE Common Career Technical Core

Introduction to the Common Career Technical Core (2012)

The Common Career Technical Core, Programs of Study and Industry-Based Standards

6.29.3 NMAC Primary and Secondary Education Standards for Excellence

New Mexico Career Pathways

NM Career Pathways is a web-based tool that allows educators, parents and students to explore detailed information about their local school districts, labor markets and career clusters. Career clusters is a classification system that groups occupations into sixteen different clusters based on similarities in foundational knowledge and skills needed to achieve success. These clusters are then broken down into seventy-eight career pathways.

Introduction to Career Clusters

New Mexico Career Clusters Guide

Additional Information

Page last updated January 16, 2024