Feliz Garcia
Email: felize.garcia@ped.nm.gov
Feliz leads the team with an aspiration to change the lives of our children in the state of New Mexico.

Tyson Ledgerwood
Deputy Director of Program
Phone: (505) 670-7204
Email: tyson.ledgerwood@ped.nm.gov
Tyson Ledgerwood oversees the operations of the NMPED Community Schools and Extended Learning Team. The Team operations involve developing workflows and processes for a growing portfolio of assets, including the 21st CCLC Program, other supplemental Out-of-School Time support, and high-leveraged coordinated resources within the community school strategy.

Julie Brenning
Community Schools and 21st CCLC SEA Coordinator
Phone: (505) 795-5526
Email: julie.brenning@ped.nm.gov
Julie Brenning supports the NMPED community schools grant, applications and implementation of the CS strategy. She oversees impact and outcomes of community schools, fiscal support and technical assistance.

Christina Weeks
OST & HIT Coordinator
Phone: (505) 365-3749
Email: christina.weeks@ped.nm.gov
Christina Weeks facilitates the OST & HIT Team – Myah Crisp, Sarah Cabrera, and Sabrina Villalba – in leadership and oversight of House Bill 2 Out-of-School Time and High-Impact Tutoring grant programs. Christina is personally committed to delivering valuable guidance, clarity, and excellent customer services to all grant recipients and partners. Christina and the OST & HIT Team aim to serve school district leaders and partners to meet the needs of all New Mexico students and school communities.