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Powerful Student and Family Engagement 2023-06-22T09:34:08-06:00

Key Practice 1

Students and families actively participate in the school community and are key partners in decision-making, shaping the school’s environment, priorities, and partnerships. Families’ lived wisdom and experience inform approaches to student success. As a result, schools become hubs providing opportunities for adults as well as young people. There are opportunities for deeper knowledge of children and greater alignment between home and school, build positive relationships and school climate, and improve student outcomes on many measures, including attendance, discipline, and academic achievement. The school gains important advocates, such as for deeper investments and partners, as families and community members understand and support strategic goals and see themselves as vital partners in schools’ success

Darling-Hammond, Linda, et al. “Design Principles for Schools: Putting the Science of Learning and Development Into Action.” Learning Policy Institue and Turnaround for Children (2021).
“Community Schools Playbook.” Community Schools Playbook, 2022, The Partnership for the Future of Learning
“Stages of Development.” Community Schools Forward, 2022.
Materials developed by ABC Community School Partnership

Page last updated June 22, 2023