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Root Cause Analysis 2023-06-26T07:16:05-06:00

The Preparatory-Site Based Leadership Team conducts a root cause analysis of the findings from the needs assessment (above). The Preparatory SBLT (including students and families) identifies and categorizes the “stories, patterns, and/or trends” behind the raw quantitative and qualitative data gathered in the needs and assets assessment process. The Preparatory SBLT conducts a root cause analysis and identifies multiple possible contributing factors. The root cause analysis includes multiple, diverse perspectives as a check against bias. The analysis informs the priorities of the community school strategic plan (below). the site-based leadership team conducts a root cause analysis which is a systematic investigation of the contributing and foundational (or “root”) causes of the problems that the school and community identify in the needs assessment. In practice, root cause analysis is an approach to problem solving that uses data analysis and discussion to dig deeper than the surface symptoms of a problem to uncover the underlying causes.

Root Cause Analysis Handout

Aligning and Leveraging the CS Strategy to Improve Student Outcomes – Part 1: Root Cause Analysis

Page last updated June 26, 2023