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Statewide Convening for District C & I Directors

///Statewide Convening for District C & I Directors
Statewide Convening for District C & I Directors 2025-02-21T13:40:54-07:00

NMPED’s Spring ’23 Curriculum & Instruction Virtual Convening

Join us for two full days on March 29-30 showcasing deep engagement, innovative teaching techniques, and gathering best practices for supporting students and educators.  Click here to register!

Click here to view the convening schedule. Keynote presentations include:

  • Day 1 Highlight: Matt Miller, author of Tech Like a Pirate, will show us how to engage students in technology and learning that is memorable.
  • Day 2 Highlight: A keynote roundtable with the leadership of NMPED’s Division of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (TLA). We will have a discussion regarding current TLA initiatives, learning acceleration in the classroom, and how to best collaborate across various disciplines.


(Archive) Fall 2022 Curriculum & Instruction Convening for District C & I Directors

Click here to access the Canvas course for this convening with archived recordings.

(Archive) Spring 2022 Curriculum & Instruction Convening for District C & I Directors

Click here to access the Canvas course for this convening with archived recordings.

(Archive) Fall 2021 Curriculum & Instruction Convening for District C & I Directors

Click here to access the Canvas course for this convening with archived recordings.

(Archive) Spring 2021 Curriculum & Instruction Convening for District C & I Directors

Click here to access the Canvas course for this convening with archived recordings.

(Archive) Winter 2020 Curriculum & Instruction Convening for District C & I Directors

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Jacqueline Costales, Division Director, Curriculum and Instruction Division, and Deputy Secretary Dr. Gwen Perea Warniment

Keynote Address

Karen Salerno, Partner at TNTP

New Mexico Instructional Scope 1.0

Jacqueline Costales, Division Director of NMPED Curriculum and Instruction Division

The New Mexico Instructional Scope (NM IS) has launched! Come on board! This session will support C&I directors in learning about the NM IS, which is a tool that sets the stage for a guaranteed, viable, and equitable curriculum across the state while capitalizing on the strengths in each district. Join us as we introduce this dynamic tool that is designed by NM educators for NM educators! Learn how the NM IS can support your district with vertical and horizontal curriculum alignment as a free resource for programmatic, collaborative, and individual instructional planning. A virtual tour of the available resources will be included, introduction to a webinar series you can use in your district to support acceleration in the hybrid and distance learning instructional models will be highlighted, and Q&A time will be included.

Canvas in the Land of Enchantment

Ferdi Serim, LMS Project Manager and Teryn Odom, Canvas Principal Learning Consultant

This session will provide an overview of long-term goals related to Canvas for New Mexico (Digital Content, Software Systems, and Professional Development), an update on the progress made since Canvas was acquired, discuss the roadmap of Canvas in New Mexico, and discuss how you can get involved to improve your processes and maximize your reach and impact across New Mexico.

Building STEM Partnerships

Yanira Vazquez, Director, Math and Science

This session will provide an overview of the partnership opportunities to support district initiatives in math, science, and K-8 computer science. Let us help you in providing high-quality professional learning to district groups or teams.

Literacy Communities of Practice

Marit Andrews, Grant Manager, CLSD and Kim King Grant Manager, SRCL

This session will provide an overview of implementing Communities of Practice (CoPs) within a school or local education agency. We will provide an overview of our Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) and Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) CoPs and empower C&I Directors with the tools to implement their own CoPs. We will provide free resources that can be used to share resources and collect data.

Learning Acceleration

Karen Salerno, Partner at TNTP

In this session, participants will reflect on the story of New Mexico students since the COVID-19 school closures while considering academic successes, opportunities, and challenges in executing distance learning. Participants will learn about the core tenets of the TNTP Acceleration Guide, how these values connect to the New Mexico Guidance Documents for Acceleration, and identify opportunities for accelerating instruction with their own academic programs through engaging in an activity on diagnosing student learning. This session will provide opportunity to learn how to make adjustments to instructional pacing to ensure students have access to the most critical grade level content while also allowing for opportunities to address learning gaps.

What is Career Readiness?

Elaine Perea, PhD, Director, College & Career Readiness Bureau

This session will support C&I directors in learning about Career Readiness, especially for students who may not be headed to a traditional 4-year college. Highlights include a review of labor market trends and free websites that support staff can use to support all students in preparing for their next steps.

Choosing HQIM: Why and How?

Anthony Burns, Bureau Chief and Debra Marquez, Education Administrator, Instructional Material Bureau

This session will support C&I directors in using the High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Resource Manual, HQIM Reviews Website, and the Evolutionary Learning Approach to HQIM-PL Toolkit to assist in the selection of HQIM at the district and school level. There are questions that should be answered before instructional materials are purchased for use in providing a high-quality education to the students in your district, school, and classroom. Learn what questions to ask including the role of meeting the needs for remote and hybrid learning, what the answers should be, and what support should be expected when implementing new HQIM. We will use these tools to assist districts in solidifying their local process for selecting HQIM in all content areas.

Using the SAT Suite Question Bank for Formative and Summative Assessments

Adam Rios, College Board

This session will provide a walkthrough of the SAT Suite Question Bank (SSQB) and provide examples of how to use the SSQB to create formative assessments for math and English Language Arts (ELA). In order for C&I directors to support high school teachers in their use of the SSQB, participants will be provided with information on accessing a virtual SSQB Assessment Literacy module through NMPED’s Canvas learning management system.

Using NMPED Provided Formative Assessments to Support Classroom Instruction for K-8 grades

Lynn Vasquez, Division Director of Assessment & Learning Management Systems; Greg Howell, Cognia Client Services Director for New Mexico; Sarah Cude, Istation PD Lead

Given the lack of end of prior year’s summative assessment data, teachers more than ever rely on strong formative assessments. Curriculum and Instruction directors will better understand the Cognia formative item sets (3-8 Math, Reading, Science) and Istation (K2, Math, and ELA) assessments in order to offer support as they work with teachers in grades K-8 to implement classroom formative practices. This session will focus on two key goals:

  • Explore the organization of formative item sets as they align to learning targets and standards
  • Discuss how the Cognia and Istation resources support formative practices in an effective learning environment

Participants will also be provided with a schedule of additional professional development opportunities for the remainder of the school year to share with classroom teachers.

Essential Structured Literacy Training for Understanding Dyslexia, Instruction, and Reading Science

Holly Duffy, Project Manager, Structured Literacy

This session will focus on three key areas relevant to C&I directors’ role in the New Mexico Structured Literacy Initiative. 1.) What is a screener and how do we administer it? 2.) What is Structured Literacy?, What does Structured Literacy instruction look like in the general education classroom, and what does Structured Literacy look like in an intervention setting? 3.) How do we align this work with Multi-layered System of Supports (MLSS)? Q&A time will be included.

Supporting STEM Educators

Jennifer Hooten, Math Specialist and Christy Krenek, Science Specialist

This session will orient C&I Directors to the projects and professional learning offerings from the Math and Science Bureau in the areas of math, science, and K-8 computer science. These include everything from synchronous and asynchronous webinars, to Canvas courses, and opportunities to recognize outstanding educators.

Professional Learning and Licensure Supports for Educators

Seana Flanagan, Division Director Educator Quality; Danielle Gothie, Bureau Director, Educator Growth and Development; Jessica Green, Staff Manager, Licensure

This breakout group will focus on the use of Title II funds to support professional learning for all educators and how these funds may be used to support licensure endorsements.


Jacqueline Costales, Division Director of NMPED Curriculum and Instruction Division

Departing Remarks

Secretary of Public Education, Ryan Stewart, Ed.LD

Page last updated February 21, 2025