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Course Instructor Template 2025-02-21T15:19:09-07:00


Data Submission Schedule: K5P, 40 Day, 80 Day, 120 Day, End of Year (EOY), Open Year Round (7/15), Summer (Optional)

Grain:  One record per district / location / school year / course code / section / semester (reporting period)

Load Dependencies:
1.   Course Required
2.   Staff Required

Template Description – The Course Instructor Template is used to identify the instructor(s) of each course/section (unique classroom) in which students are enrolled.

School Year 2019-2020 Changes:

  1. Field 21 ALTERNATE INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE CODENo change in code set. However important additional clarification was added regarding the language of instruction for PreK classes.

File Name Format Example:  001_CRSE_INSTRUCT_201807071201.csv

Field Number Field Name Data Type, Required, Code Valid Values
1 DISTRICT CODE Character, Required, Key
2 LOCATION CODE Character, Required, Key
3 SCHOOL YEAR DATE Date, Required, Key
  • 2019-06-30 = SY18-19
  • 2020-06-30 = SY19-20
8 PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR ID Character, Required, Key 9 digit staff id
9 OTHER INSTRUCTOR 1 Character, Optional, Updateable 9 digit staff id
10 OTHER INSTRUCTOR 2 Character, Optional, Updateable 9 digit staff id
16 STAFF NAME Character, Optional, Updateable
17 SEMESTER Character, Required, Key
  • 1 = 40D
  • 2 = 80D
  • 3 = 120D
  • 4 = EOY
  • 5 = K5P
  • 6 = Summer (optional)
  • 9 = Open Year Round
18 CLASS PERIOD Character, Required, Updateable
  • AM = Morning
  • PM = Afternoon
  • FD = Full Day
  • SEM = Semester
  • TRI = Trimester
  • YR = Year-long
  • BLK = Block Scheduling
  • SP = Self-paced
  • QTR = Quarter
  • PO = Pull-out
19 COURSE CODE LONG Character, Required, Key SY19 Course Codes (xlsx)
21 ALTERNATE INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE CODE Character, Conditionally Required, Updateable
00 = English
01 = Spanish
02 = Vietnamese
03 = Hmong; Mong
04 = Chinese (Cantonese or Mandarin)
05 = Cambodian – Khmer
06 = Korean
07 = Laotian
08 = Navajo; Navaho (Diné)
09 = Tagalog
10 = Russian
11 = Creoles, French-based
12 = Arabic
13 = Portuguese
14 = Japanese
16 = Tiwa
17 = Tewa
18 = Towa
19 = Keres
20 = Jicarilla Apache
21 = Mescalero Apache
22 = Zuni
24 = Sign Languages – American
25 = Sign Languages – English Based
26 = Albanian
27 = Armenian
28 = Azerbaijani
29 = Baltic languages
30 = Basque
31 = Bosnian
32 = Bulgarian
33 = Burmese
34 = Chechen
35 = Creoles, English based
36 = Creoles, Portuguese-based
37 = Croatian
38 = Czech
39 = Danish
40 = Dutch; Flemish
41 = Estonian
42 = Farsi – Persian
43 = Filipino; Pilipino
44 = Finnish
45 = French
46 = German
47 = Greek
48 = Haitian; Haitian Creole
49 = Hawaiian
50 = Hebrew
51 = Hungarian
52 = Icelandic
53 = India and Bangladesh – Bengali
54 = India – Gujarati
55 = India – Marathi
56 = India – Rajasthani
57 = India – Telugu
58 = India and Assam – Assamese
59 = India and Pakistan – Hindi
60 = India and Pakistan – Urdu
61 = India or Pakistan Panjabi; Punjabi
62 = India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka – Tamil
63 = Indonesian
64 = Iranian languages
65 = Italian
66 = North American Indian languages Other
67 = Norwegian
68 = Polish
69 = Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
70 = Somali
71 = Serbian
72 = Slavic languages
73 = Swedish
74 = Thai
75 = Tibetan
76 = Ukrainian
77 = Hocano
78 = Kurdish (includes any country where spoken such as Iraq and Afganistan)
79 = Syriac
80 = Cebuano (Visayan)
81 = Chamorro
82 = Kinyarwanda (includes Kirundi)
83 = Lithuanian
84 = Malayalam
85 = Marshallese
86 = Mixteco
87 = Nepali
88 = Pashto (includes Pushto)
89 = Samoan
90 = Sinhalese (includes Sinhala)
91 = Swahili
92 = Tongan (includes Raratongan)
93 = Turkish
94 = Wolof
95 = Yao (includes Mien)
96 = Fanti (spoken in Ghana
22 SECTION CODE LONG Character, Required, Key
24 SNAPSHOT DATE Character, Required, Key

  • 2018-10-01 = 40D
  • 2018-12-15 = 80D
  • 2019-03-01 = 120D
  • 2019-06-01 = EOY
  • 2019-06-29 = Summer (Optional)
  • 2018-09-01 = K3P
  • 2018-07-15 = Open-Year-Round

  • 2019-10-01 = 40D
  • 2019-12-15 = 80D
  • 2020-03-01 = 120D
  • 2020-06-01 = EOY
  • 2020-06-29 = Summer (Optional)
  • 2019-09-01 = K5P
  • 2019-07-15 = Open-Year-Round

60 COURSE SPECIAL PROGRAM CODE Character, Conditionally Required, Updateable
  • BEP = Bilingual Multicultural Education Program
64 HONORS INDICATOR Character, Required, Updateable
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No
65 ADVANCED PLACEMENT INDICATOR Character, Required, Updateable
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No
66 CAREER AND TECHNICAL INDICATOR Character, Required, Updateable
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No
67 GIFTED INDICATOR Character, Required, Updateable
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No
69 REMEDIAL INDICATOR Character, Required, Updateable
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No
70 BASIC/GENERAL INDICATOR Character, Required, Updateable
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No
71 SPECIAL EDUCATION INDICATOR Character, Required, Updateable
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No
74 ELECTIVE INDICATOR Character, Required, Updateable
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No
78 LAB COMPONENT INDICATOR Character, Required, Updateable
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No
83 ADVANCED INDICATOR Character, Required, Updateable
  • Y = Yes
  • N = No


  • The Course Instructor template must be submitted at each reporting period. Be sure to include all courses taught on the reporting period’s snapshot date. It may be necessary to include courses that have ended between reporting periods in order to submit a student’s grade.
  • Only submit a Course Instructor record if there are students enrolled in the class. If no students are enrolled in the course (but the course is part of your Course Catalog), you must still report the Course Code in the COURSE template as a course being offered for the reporting period; however, you would NOT report a COURSE INSTRUCTOR record.
  • Semester, Course Instructor Snapshot Date, Course Code Long, and Section Code Long MUST match the corresponding fields in the Student Course Enrollment Template and the Course Template for proper HQT results.
  • This template requires the combination of the COURSE CODE LONG and SECTION CODE LONG fields to be unique (PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR ID is NOT part of the unique key). PED is aware that some districts have multiple sections of the same course with the same section number. If a district’s or charter school’s PED-defined course code and local section code are not unique, it may be necessary to concatenate the district or school’s local section code with the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR ID (masked) in the SECTION CODE LONG field. PED suggests that the format be [local section code + “-” + PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR ID (masked)]. For example, a SECTION CODE LONG of “1-111223333” could be used (1 representing the local section code and 111223333 representing the staff member teaching that section). If this format is used for SECTION CODE LONG in this template, it must be used in the required SECTION CODE LONG fields in other templates.


Page last updated February 21, 2025