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Implementation Year 2025-02-25T10:44:13-07:00

Pursuant to Section 22-8B-12(B) and (C), between receiving approval of its new application and opening its doors, a new charter school must “file a minimum of three status reports with the chartering authority and the department for the purpose of demonstrating that the charter school’s implementation progress is consistent with the conditions, standards and procedures of its approved charter.” In addition, prior to the end of the Implementation Year, the school must “demonstrate that its facilities meet the requirements of Section 22-8B-4.2 NMSA 1978.”

The Public Education Commission (PEC), through the Charter Schools Division, provides monthly training to each new school and receives quarterly reports from the new schools. The content, format, and schedule for submission of these reports is laid out in the Public Education Commission’s Implementation Year Checklist:

2024-25 Implementation Year Checklist

Monthly trainings will be held at 300 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM in Mabry Hall, with each session beginning at 8:30 am. These are mandatory for all PEC-approved applicant schools and generally run from September through April. Please see the Training Opportunities page for dates.

For more detailed information about training, please contact Missy Brown (


Page last updated February 25, 2025