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Community School Strategic Plan 2025-02-21T12:14:57-07:00

The Preparatory SBLT creates a community school strategic plan that is aligned to the priority focus areas of the school improvement plan and addresses at least one root cause. The community school strategic plan defines the blend of academic and nonacademic supports and resources that will be delivered to students, families and the school to meet the needs identified in the needs assessment process in order to create the conditions for students to learn and thrive. The community school strategic plan helps define therole and work of the coordinator and community partners.10.The preparatory SBLT has read and understands the Core Implementation Strategies. The preparatory SBLT is planning to implement these corestrategies in the implementation years (and states as such in the CS strategic plan).

The CS strategic plan is created by the SBLT that defines the blend of academic and nonacademic supports and resources that will be delivered to students, families and the school to meet the needs identified in the needs assessment process. The plan addresses at least one root cause.

Community School Strategic Plan Handout

Page last updated February 21, 2025