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Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship 2024-07-23T16:52:22-06:00

Join Us for a Digital Citizenship Training and Community Discussion!
MON/TUES JULY 29-30 FROM 9-3:15 PM

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Recently, the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) received a Google Kids Initiative grant from the New Mexico Community Trust. The proposal will impact more than half of the students in the state and build upon success in ensuring digital equity for all students.

During the 2023 legislative session, NM passed the Digital Equity for Education Act. Funding from this grant will support outcomes that align with the commitment to promote digital equity for NM students and foster digital citizenship practices to ensure “the safe, ethical, responsible and informed use of technology and encompasses a range of skills and literacies, including internet safety, privacy and security; recognition and reporting of cyberbullying; online reputation management; communication skills; information literacy; and creative credit and copyright.”

To support New Mexico’s commitment to digital equity, New Mexico’s Public Education Department, Digital Respons-Ability (content providers of the Respons-Able Educator Certification program), Regional Education Centers and other partners will provide digital citizenship training to educators across New Mexico. Over the next two years educators can expect to see in person and virtual training supporting the implementation of professional development for educators statewide on essential skills and knowledge regarding data privacy, digital citizenship and creating students who are informed lifelong consumers of digital information.

Content for teachers is available in Canvas catalog and can be downloaded for use by any teacher in the state. Visit this page for updates on live and virtual training sessions.

For more information, please contact:
John Chadwick, Ed.D.
Digital Equity Coordinator

Page last updated July 23, 2024