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Recently Adopted Rule

Recently Adopted Rule 2025-02-25T10:03:17-07:00

Rules adopted into administrative code (rule) by the Public Education Department and published by the New Mexico Register are provided below. For full issues of the New Mexico Register, please visit the New Mexico Register.

Please note, the New Mexico Register recently updated their webpage. We are in the process of updating the links below. In the meantime, please visit the New Mexico Register’s official publication page for recent online issues or visit the cumulative index page for recent and past publications.

NM Register XXXVI, Issue 2

6.29.1 NMAC, General Provisions: Amendment (Effective January 28, 2025)

NM Register XXXV, Issue 18

6.12.16 NMAC, Healthy Universal School Meals: New (Effective September 24, 2024)

6.65.4 NMAC, Teacher Leader Development: Repeal (Effective September 24, 2024)

6.101.2 NMAC, Fair Hearings and Alternative Dispute Resolutions Related to Vocational Rehabilitation: Repeal (Effective September 24, 2024)

6.101.2 NMAC, Fair Hearings and Alternative Dispute Resolutions Related to Vocational Rehabilitation: New (Effective September 24, 2024)

NM Register XXXV, Issue 12

6.19.7 NMAC, Demonstration of Competency for High School Graduation: Repeal (Effective June 25, 2024)

6.29.18 NMAC, Braille Standards: New (Effective June 25, 2024)

NM Register XXXV, Issue 6

6.10.5 NMAC, School Calendar Requirements: Repeal (Effective July 1, 2024)

6.10.5 NMAC, School Calendar Requirements: New (Effective July 1, 2024)

6.30.12 NMAC, K-5 Plus Schools: Repeal (Effective July 1, 2024)

6.30.16 NMAC, Extended Learning Time Program: Repeal (Effective July 1, 2024)

6.81.2 NMAC, Requirements for Nonpublic Schools and for Public Education Departement Accreditation: Repeal (Effective July 1, 2024)

NM Register XXXV, Issue 5

6.19.4 NMAC, Accreditation Procedures: New (Effective July 1, 2024)

NM Register XXXV, Issue 1

6.41.4 NMAC, Standard for Providing Transportation for Eligible Students: Amendment (Effective January 16, 2024)

NM Register XXXIV, Issue 21

6.10.8 NMAC, Compulsory School Attendance: Repeal (Effective November 7, 2023)

6.12.4 NMAC, Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Free Schools: Repeal (Effective November 7, 2023)

6.12.4 NMAC, Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Free Schools: New (Effective November 7, 2023)

NM Register XXXIV, Issue 20

6.19.8 NMAC, School Differentiation and Support: New (Effective October 24, 2023)

6.19.8 NMAC, School Differentiation and Support: Repeal (Effective October 24, 2023)

NM Register XXXIV, Issue 19

6.12.11 NMAC, Student Diabetes Management: Amendment (Effective October 10, 2023)

NM Register XXXIV, Emergency Rule

6.41.4 NMAC, Standard for Providing Transportation for Eligible Students: Emergency (Effective August 4, 2023)

NM Register XXXIV, Issue 15

6.10.7 NMAC, Standardized Testing Procedures and Requirements: Amendment (Effective August 15, 2023)

NM Register XXXIV, Issue 14

6.31.3 NMAC, Gifted and Talented Students: New (Effective July 31, 2023)

6.31.2 NMAC, Children with Disabilities/Gifted Children: Amendment (Effective July 31, 2023)

6.29.1 NMAC, General Provisions : Amendment (Effective July 31, 2023)

6.19.7 NMAC, Demonstration of Competencies for High School Graduation: Repealed | New (Effective July 31, 2023)

6.12.15 NMAC, COVID-19 School Requirements: Amendment (Effective July 31, 2023)

6.63.8 NMAC, Licensure in Athletic Coaching, 7-12: Repealed | New (Effective July 31, 2023)

6.2.9 NMAC, Public Education Commission State Charter School Procedures: New (Effective July 31, 2023)

NM Register XXXIV, Issue 13

6.29.5 NMAC, English Language Development: Amendment (Effective July 18, 2023)

6.32.2 NMAC, Guidelines for Implementing Bilingual Multicultural Education Programs: Amendment (Effective July 18, 2023)

6.2.8 NMAC, Operational Bylaws of the Professional Practices and Standards Council: Repeal | New (Effective July 18, 2023)

NM Register XXXIV, Emergency Rule

6.19.8 NMAC, School Improvement Designations: Emergency (Effective May 23, 2023)

NM Register XXXIV, Issue 1

6.31.2 NMAC, Children with Disabilities/Gifted Children: Amendment (Effective July 1, 2023)

6.60.6 NMAC, Continuing Licensure for Licensed Educators in New Mexico: Repealed | New (Effective January 18, 2023)

6.60.7 NMAC, Educator Licensure Application Fee: Amendment (Effective January 18, 2023)

6.69.4 NMAC, Performance Evaluation System Requirements for Teachers: Repealed | New (Effective January 18, 2023)

6.69.5 NMAC, Performance Evaluation System Requirements for Librarian-Teachers: Repealed | New (Effective January 18, 2023)

NM Register XXXIII, Issue 22


6.63.18 NMAC, Licensure for School Behavioral Health Counselors: New

NM Register XXXIII, Issue 18


6.63.11 NMAC, Licensure in Rehabilitation Counseling, Grades Pre K-12: Repealed | New 

NM Register XXXIII, Issue 10


6.30.6 NMAC, Suspension of Authority of a Local School Board
6.60.11 NMAC, Required Training Program for School District Personnel, School Volunteers, and Contractors
6.29.1 NMAC, Standards for Excellence – General Provisions

NM Register XXXIII, Issue 4


6.64.3.NMAC, Competencies for Entry-Level Reading Teachers

NM Register XXXIII, Issue 4


6.29.11 NMAC, Social Studies

NM Register XXXII, Issue 24


6.64.20 NMAC, Competencies for Secondary Computer Science Teachers (Effective 12/28/21)

NM Register XXXII, ISSUE 23


6.64.11 NMAC: TESOL Competencies (Effective 7/1/2022)
6.64.11 NMAC: TESOL Competencies (repealed) (Effective 7/1/2022)

NM Register XXXII, Issue 19


6.12.15 NMAC: COVID-19 School Requirements (Effective 10/13/2021)

NM Register XXXII, Issue 18


6.30.12 NMAC: K-5 Plus Schools (Effective 9/28/2021)

NM Register XXXII, Issue 15


6.30.15 NMAC: Community Schools (Effective 8/10/2021)

NM Register XXXII, Issue 11


6.65.3 NMAC: Educator Preparation Program Accountability, Amendment to Sections 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12 (Effective 6/8/2021)

NM Register XXXII, Issue 8


6.12.13 NMAC: Student Dental Examination Requirements for Enrollment (Effective 4/20/2021)

NM Register XXXII, Issue 7


6.12.14 NMAC: COVID-19 Reentry Requirements, Emergency Amendment to Sections 7 and 8 (Effective 3/24/2021)

NM Register XXXII, Issue 4


6.12.14 NMAC: COVID-19 Reentry Requirements, Emergency Amendment to Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, (Effective 2/11/2021)

NM Register XXXII, Issue 3


6.12.14 NMAC: COVID-19 Reentry Requirements, Emergency Amendment to Sections 7, 8. 9, 10, and 11 (Effective 1/29/2021)

NM Register XXXII, Issue 2


6.20.2 NMAC: Governing Budgeting and Accounting for New Mexico Public Schools and School Districts, Amendment to Section 25 (Effective 1/26/2021)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 23


6.29.1 NMAC: General Provisions, Amendment to Sections 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 (Effective 12/15/2020)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 23


6.12.14 NMAC: COVID-19 School Reentry Requirements (Effective 12/3/2020)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 18


6.101.2 NMAC: Fair Hearings and Alternative Dispute Resolutions Related to Vocational Rehabilitation (Effective 9/29/2020)
6.101.2 NMAC: Fair Hearings Related to Vocational Rehabilitation (repealed) (Effective 9/29/20)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 18


6.30.18 NMAC: Partial Credit for Adjudicated or Mobile Students (Effective 9/29/20)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 18


6.80.4 NMAC: Charter School Application and Appeal Requirements, Amendment to Sections 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, and 19 (Effective 9/29/2020)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 17


6.64.19 NMAC: Competencies for Elementary Math Specialists (Effective 9/15/2020)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 13


6.31.2 NMAC: Children with Disabilities/Gifted Children (Effective 7/14/2020)
6.31.2 NMAC: Children with Disabilities/Gifted Children (repealed) (Effective 6/9/20)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 13


6.30.17 NMAC: Structured Literacy Instruction, Interventions, and Professional Development (Effective 7/14/20)”

NM Register XXXI, Issue 13


6.80.5 NMAC: Charter School Governing Body Training Requirements, Amendment to Sections 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 (Effective 7/14/2020)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 12


6.35.2 NMAC: Implementing the Indian Education Act (Effective 7/1/20)
6.35.2 NMAC: Implementing the Indian Education Act (repealed) (Effective 7/1/20)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 11


6.19.9 NMAC: Early Literacy Remediation, Interventions, and Family Engagement (repealed) (Effective 6/9/20)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 11


6.30.12 NMAC: K-5 Plus Program (Effective 6/9/20)
6.30.12 NMAC: K-3 Plus Program (repealed) (Effective 6/9/20)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 11


6.60.7 NMAC: Educator Licensure Application Fee, Amendment to Sections 7, 9, and 10 (Effective 6/9/20)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 9


6.30.16 NMAC: Extended Learning Time Program (Effective 5/5/20)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 2


6.12.9 NMAC: Breakfast Program (Effective 1/28/20)
6.12.9 NMAC: Elementary School Free Breakfast Program During Instructional Time (repealed) (Effective 1/28/20)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 2


6.63.5 NMAC: Licensure for School Psychologists, Pre K-12 (Effective 1/28/20)
6.63.5 NMAC: Licensure for School Psychologists, Pre K-12 (repealed) (Effective 1/28/20)

NM Register XXXI, Issue 2


6.30.3 NMAC: Eligibility for the High School Equivalency Assessments or Programs and Diploma in NM (Effective 1/28/20)
6.30.3 NMAC: Eligibility for the General Educational Development Tests (GED Tests and Diploma in NM (repealed) (Effective 1/28/20)

NM Register XXX, Issue 22


6.12.11 NMAC: Student Diabetes Management (Effective 11/26/19)

NM Register XXX, Issue 21


6.12.7 NMAC: Safe Schools for All Students (Effective 11/12/19)
6.12.7 NMAC: Bullying Prevention (repealed) (Effective 11/12/19)

NM Register XXX, Issue 20


6.65.3 NMAC: Educator Preparation Program Accountability (Effective 10/29/19)
6.65.3 NMAC: Educator Preparation Program Accountability (repealed) (Effective 10/29/19)

NM Register XXX, Issue 16


6.12.10 NMAC: Medical Cannabis In Schools (Effective 8/27/19)

NM Register XXX, Issue 15


6.60.7 NMAC: Educator Licensure Application Fee (Effective 8/13/19)
6.60.7 NMAC: Educator Licensure Application Fee (repealed) (Effective 8/13/19)

NM Register XXX, Issue 11


6.30.12 NMAC: K-5 Plus Program (Effective 6/14/19)
6.30.12 NMAC: K-3 Plus Program (repealed) (Effective 6/14/19)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 24


6.60.10 NMAC: Mentorship Programs for Teachers (Effective 7/1/19)
6.60.10 NMAC: Mentorship Programs for Beginning Teachers (repealed) (Effective 7/1/19)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 24


6.65.4 NMAC: Teacher Leader Development Framework (Effective 12/31/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 24


6.29.17 NMAC: New Mexico Computer Science Standards (Effective 7/1/19)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 24


6.80.4 NMAC: Charter School Application and Appeal Requirements (Effective 12/31/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 24


6.19.8 NMAC: Grading of Public Schools (Effective 12/31/18)
6.19.8 NMAC: Grading of Public Schools (Effective 12/31/18)
6.19.1 NMAC: General Provisions (repealed) (Effective 12/31/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 24


6.10.7 NMAC: Standardized Testing Procedures and Requirements (Effective 12/27/18)
6.10.7 NMAC: Statewide Standardized Testing Security Issues and Irregularities (repealed) (Effective 12/27/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 23


6.75.2 NMAC: Relating to the Public Education Department Instructional Material Bureau (Effective 12/11/18)
6.75.2 NMAC: Relating to the Public Education Department Instructional Material Bureau (repealed) (Effective 12/11/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 22


6.60.3 NMAC: Alternative Licensure (Effective 11/27/18)
6.60.3 NMAC: Alternative Licensure (repealed) (Effective 11/27/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 21


6.61.9 NMAC: Certificates of Endorsement Waiver (Effective 11/13/18)
6.61.9 NMAC: Certificates of Endorsement Waiver (repealed) (Effective 11/13/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 20


6.63.17 NMAC: Licensure for Attendance Coaches Pre K-12 (Effective 11/15/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 17

9/11/18 NMAC: Children with Disabilities/Gifted Children, Amendment to Subsection H (Effective 9/11/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 14


6.19.7 NMAC: Demonstration of Competency for High School Graduation (Effective 7/24/18)
6.19.9 NMAC: Early Literacy Remediation, Interventions, and Family Engagement (Effective 7/24/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 12


6.65.3 NMAC: Educator Preparation Program Accountability (Effective 7/1/18)
6.11.2 NMAC: Rights and Responsibilities of the Public Schools and Public School Students (Effective 7/1/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 9


6.30.13 NMAC: Early College High School(Effective 5/15/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 6


6.32.2 NMAC: Guidelines for Implementing Bilingual Multicultural Education Programs (Effective 7/1/18)
6.41.4 NMAC: Standard for Providing Transportation for Eligible Students (Effective 3/27/18)

NM Register XXIX, Issue 2


6.29.2 NMAC: New Mexico Core Arts Standards (Effective 7/1/18)

NM Register XXVIII, Issue 23


6.19.6 NMAC: Title I Supplemental Educational Services (repealed) (Effective 12/12/17)
6.61.12 NMAC: Licensure in Early Childhood Education, Pre-K-Grade 3 (Effective 8/1/18)

NM Register XXVIII, Issue 21


6.29.10 NMAC: New Mexico STEM – Ready Science Standards (Effective 7/1/18)

NM Register XXVIII, Issue 20


6.41.4 NMAC: Standards for Providing Transportation for Eligible Students (Effective 9/29/17)

NM Register XXVIII, Issue 18


6.61.2 NMAC: Licensure in Elementary Education, Grades K -8 (Effective 8/1/18)
6.61.3 NMAC: Licensure in Middle Level Education, Grades 5 – 9(Effective 8/1/18)
6.61.4 NMAC: Licensure in Secondary Education, Grades 7 – 12(Effective 8/1/18)
6.61.5 NMAC: Licensure for Grades Pre-K – 12 (Effective 8/1/18)
6.61.6 NMAC: Licensure in Special Education Pre-K – 12 (Effective 8/1/18)
6.61.7 NMAC: Licensure in Secondary Vocational-Technical Education (Effective 8/1/18)
6.61.8 NMAC: Licensure in Early Childhood Education, Birth – Grade Three (Effective 8/1/18)
6.61.10 NMAC: Teachers of Students with Blindness/Visual Impairments Birth – Grade 12 (Effective 8/1/18)
6.61.11 NMAC: Licensure in Early Childhood Education, Birth – Pre-K (Effective 8/1/18)
6.63.15 NMAC: Licensure for School Health Assistants, Grades Pre-K – 12 (Effective 9/26/17)
6.63.16 NMAC: Licensure for School Licensed Practical Nurses, Grades Pre-K -12 (Effective 9/26/17)

NM Register XXVIII, Issue 17


6.29.8 NMAC: World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages (Effective 7/1/18)

NM Register XXVIII, Issue 15


6.69.2 NMAC: Unsatisfactory Work Performance of Certified (Licensed) School Personnel (Effective 8/15/17)
6.69.8 NMAC: Teacher and School Leader Effectiveness (Effective 8/15/17)
6.60.6 NMAC: Continuing Licensure for Licensed Educators in New Mexico (Effective 8/15/17)

NM Register XXVIII, Issue 14


6.80.5 NMAC: Charter School Governing Body Training Requirements (Effective 7/25/17) NMAC: General Provisions (Effective 7/25/17) NMAC: Charter School Application and Appeal Requirements (Effective 7/25/17)

NM Register XXVIII, Issue 4


6.29.15 NMAC: Primary and Secondary Education-Standards for Excellence-Spanish Language Arts Common Core Standards (Effective 7/1/18)
6.29.16 NMAC: Primary and Secondary Education-Standards for Excellence-Spanish Language Development (Effective 7/1/18)
6.29.1 NMAC: Primary and Secondary Education-General Provisions (Effective 2/28/17)

NM Register XXVIII, Issue 1

1/17/17 NMAC: Children with Disabilities/Gifted Children (Effective 1/17/17)

Page last updated February 25, 2025