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IPRA Requests 2025-02-25T10:54:08-07:00


The New Mexico Public Education Department (PED) follows procedures contained in the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act (NMSA 1978, Chapter 14, Article 2). By law, under the Inspection of Public Records Act, every person has the right to inspect public records of the PED. The Act also makes compliance with requests to inspect public records an integral part of the routine duties of the employees of the PED. This provides notice of the public’s right to inspect public records.

This notice is also applicable to the Inspection of Public Records requests for records of the New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, or DVR, a division of the PED.

To Submit a Request:

A person desiring to inspect public records may submit a request to the records custodian orally or in writing. However, the procedures and penalties prescribed by the Inspection of Public Records Act apply only to written requests. Emailed requests are preferred, and will help ensure a more timely response. Responses may be sent to the requestor electronically or via certified mail.

A written request must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person making the request. A request must describe the records sought in sufficient detail to enable the records custodian to identify and locate the requested records. Requests for reasons or justification on why certain actions were taken by the PED are not proper requests under this law.

Written requests must be mailed or emailed to:

Beverly Friedman
PED IPRA Custodian of Records
300 Don Gaspar, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: (505)795-0180

Response to a Request:

The records custodian must permit inspection immediately or as soon as practicable, but no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the records custodian receives the inspection request. If inspection is not permitted within three (3) business days, the person making the request will receive a written response explaining when the records will be available for inspection or when the public body will respond to the request.

If any of the records sought are not available for public inspection, the person making the request is entitled to a written response from the records custodian explaining the reasons inspection has been denied. The written denial shall be delivered or mailed within fifteen (15) calendar days after the records custodian received the request for inspection. If the records requested are extensive, the requestor may receive a burdensome letter extending the deadline for the request.

Records may also be available for inspection at the PED offices at 300 Don Gaspar in Santa Fe.

IPRA Compliance Guide

A printable copy of the IPRA Compliance Guide is available online.

Page last updated February 25, 2025