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Indian Education

//Indian Education
Indian Education 2024-11-21T17:19:04-07:00

IED Districts/Charters & TED contact emails

Tribes-and-District_Grants 2016 to present

Grants offered to the NM tribes, and to local education agencies (LEAs), including state-chartered charter schools, and locally chartered charter schools, serving a significant numbers of Native American students for fiscal years 2016–2021, grants awarded 2016 –2017; were awarded to develop curriculum and instructional materials, including a teacher certification and assessment processes. Grants awarded 2017-2019; awarded to recipients to develop programs in one or more of the five priority areas: 1) attendance and truancy, 2) cultural competency and culturally responsive learning environments, 3) college and career readiness, 4) supporting native language programs and English learners, and 5) school systems alignment between PED/Bureau of Indian Education operated schools/tribally controlled schools. Non Competitive grants awarded 2019-2021, were awarded to recipients to develop programs in one or more of the four priority areas: 1) College, Career and Life Readiness, 2) Culturally and Linguistically Relevant Education and Social and Emotional Learning, 3) Culture and Identity Development, and 4) Increasing Access to Native American Language Programs.

Page last updated November 21, 2024