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2024 ESSA Plan Amendments

///2024 ESSA Plan Amendments
2024 ESSA Plan Amendments 2025-02-25T14:40:37-07:00

NMPED is undertaking a revision of our consolidated state plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) as one of the levers that the state agency will use to support a renewed vision and mission of education throughout New Mexico. As part of this process, NMPED solicited public comment from many New Mexican stakeholders—our students, parents, teachers, Tribes, school leaders, business leaders, and community members. The period for public comment began on June 22, 2024, and closed on August 2, 2024. A public comment survey link (in English and Spanish) was posted on the department’s website, included in public communication, distributed during community meetings and conferences, and was emailed directly to internal and external stakeholders. During this time, NMPED received over 240 pieces of public comments that are currently under review. Thank you for providing your valuable input.

ESSA is the reauthorization of the Federal education law that gives states more flexibility to make decisions that are right for their students and families. Each state develops a plan that describes the state’s direction for a variety of topics, including its long-term goals, how it measures state accountability for its schools, strategies to support its students as well as supports for educators and school leaders, among other requirements. PED’s current state plan was approved on August 9, 2017, and was last amended on March 13, 2020, to accommodate waivers New Mexico received due to COVID-19.

Click the buttons below to review a brief description of each federal program along with public survey results.

Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA) provides supplemental financial assistance to school districts for children from low-income families. Its purpose is to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps by allocating federal funds for education programs and services.

“I support the proposed changes and adjustments to the Title I, Part A section of the ESSA plan.”

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
17.1% 37.1% 11.4% 17.1% 17.1%

Title I Part C provides guidance to districts and state charter schools regarding the policies and requirements specifically relating to the education of migratory children as required in Title I Part C of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). State educational agencies (SEAs), and LOAs are accountable for ensuring that migratory children who move among the States are not penalized by disparities among States in curriculum, graduation requirements, and challenging State academic standards. Funds also ensure that migratory children not only are provided with appropriate education services that address their unique needs but also that such children receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet.

“I support the proposed changes and adjustments to the Title I, Part C section of the ESSA plan.”

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
17.1% 42.9% 14.3% 17.4% 8.6%

The general purpose of the Title 1, Part D Neglected and Delinquent program is to improve educational services for children and youth in local and state institutions for neglected or delinquent children, providing them with the opportunity to meet the same rigorous state academic content standards that are expected of all students. The program provides needed services for children and youth to make a successful transition from institutionalization to further schooling or employment. The intent of the program is to prevent at risk youth from dropping out of school and to provide them with a support system to ensure their continued education toward a high school diploma.

“I support the proposed changes and adjustments to the Title I, Part D section of the ESSA plan.”

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
20.0% 42.9% 20.0% 11.4% 5.7%

The Title II, Part A program is designed to increase student achievement, to improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders; to increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who positively impact and help improve student academic achievement; and to provide students from low-income families and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.

“I support the proposed changes and adjustments to the Title II, Part A section of the ESSA plan.”

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
30.6% 38.9% 5.6% 8.3% 16.7%

Title III, Part A, is officially known as the Language Instruction for English Learner (EL) and Immigrant Students Act (Section 3102 of the lists the purpose of the law). The overarching purpose is to ensure that EL students, including immigrant children and youth, attain English language proficiency and meet the same challenging state academic standards that other students are expected to meet. School districts and state charters in New Mexico must use Title III funds to supplement state language instruction educational programs, designed to assist EL students’ achievement goals. The New Mexico Public Education Department, district, state charters, and schools are accountable for increasing the English proficiency and core academic content knowledge of EL students.

“I support the proposed changes and adjustments to the Title III, Part A section of the ESSA plan.”

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
11.8% 35.2% 32.4% 8.8% 11.8%

Title IV, Part A is a U.S. Department of Education grant program authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) which provides supplemental funding to help support student academic achievement and enrichment. This grant, also referred to as SSAE, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, awards Title IV, Part A funds to state educational agencies (SEAs), which then sub-grant funds to local education agencies (LEAs).

“I support the proposed changes and adjustments to the Title IV, Part A section of the ESSA plan.”

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
28.6% 40.0% 5.7% 11.4% 14.2%

21st Century Learning Community Centers, which can be located in elementary or secondary schools, or other similarly accessible facilities, provide a range of high-quality services during out-of school time hours (such as before and after school, or summer break). Each eligible entity that receives an award from the state may use the funds to carry-out a broad array of out-of-school time activities to advance student achievement.

“I support the proposed changes and adjustments to the Title IV, Part B section of the ESSA plan.”

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
20.6% 38.2% 8.8% 17.7% 14.7%

The Title V, Part B— Rural and Low-Income School Program Guide provides guidance to districts and state charter schools on using the Rural Education Achievement Program funding authorized under Title V, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act. The Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) is designed to help rural districts and state charter schools use Federal funding more effectively to address their unique needs. The formula grant funds, and the fund use flexibility available under REAP allow rural districts and state charter schools to participate more fully and effectively in many of the federal programs and thus provide better educational services to their students.

“I support the proposed changes and adjustments to the Title V, Part B section of the ESSA plan.”

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
26.5% 35.3% 17.7% 8.8% 11.8%

Subtitle VII-B of The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act authorizes the federal Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Program and is the primary piece of federal legislation related to the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness. It was reauthorized in December 2015 by Title IX, Part A, of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

“I support the proposed changes and adjustments to the Title VII, Part A section of the ESSA plan.”

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
23.5% 44.1% 14.7% 8.8% 8.8%

Questions: Reach out to Ken Stowe –

Page last updated February 25, 2025