The Multi-Layered System of Supports (MLSS) is New Mexico’s comprehensive overhaul of the Response to Intervention (RtI) that improves support systems by removing administrative barriers to providing timely evidence-based supports and focuses on holistic student success through robust family partnerships. Driven by student progress data for grade-level standards, the MLSS works to empower educators with a comprehensive system to make evidence based-decisions that are fluid, timely and meaningful. MLSS works to champion accelerated learning practices and school systems/policies that support the implementation of high-dosage tutoring opportunities that meet the individual needs of students while also ensuring students continue to have access to robust core instruction and universal supports. The MLSS provides holistic intervention framework that guides educators, those closest to the student, to intervene quickly when students need additional supports. The MLSS framework reflects the supports that the classroom teacher, school, family, health and wellness staff offer toward readying students to experience academic and behavioral success in school resulting in students being ready for success.
The new MLSS model will provide support to ALL students including students who are migrant, homeless, and in foster care. MLSS will allow teachers and health and wellness staff to intervene quickly when students are struggling academically or behaviorally by providing immediate support to those students in an educational crisis.
MLSS moves away from the “wait to fail” model. This empowers teachers to use their professional judgement and make data-informed decisions regarding the students in their classrooms.
Decisions regarding layered interventions are made by the classroom teachers and support personnel closest to the students. The unnecessary burden of additional paperwork, forms and meetings in order to make decisions regarding layered interventions are lessened considerably.
Focus Areas and Principles of Practice
- Building teacher collaborative teams (PLC) to act as the first line of defense against the over-referral of students to SAT and Special Education
- Focus on accelerated learning practices to ensure equitable access to grade-level instruction and resources
- “Grade-level standards are the floor, not the ceiling”
- Implementation of high-dosage tutoring to support Layer 2 & Layer 3 interventions
- Use of the NEW New Mexico Instructional Scope (NMIS) to ensure that instructional planning utilizes the principals of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Requirements for ALL Districts and Charters
- Assign a team member to act as the MLSS POC
- POC attends monthly statewide webinars
- POC ensures that all schools have submitted the MLSS Self-Assessment
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Contact Us
The NMPED MLSS team can be reached at the following email address:
Christopher Vian
(505) 231-0766