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Site Administrator Evaluation 2025-02-21T14:30:52-07:00

Excel NM

Excel NM – Site Administrator Evaluation

The new site administrator evaluation system, Excel NM, will be implemented statewide during the 2024-2025 school year. The HOUSSE evaluation system will sunset on June 30, 2024. Site administrators will begin to use Excel NM on July 1, 2024.

Welcome Site Administrators and Supervisors!  Excel NM, the site administrator evaluation system, supports professional growth by identifying areas of strength and improvement. The purpose of New Mexico’s site administrator evaluation system is to enhance site administrator performance and nourish professional practice.

The Excel NM evaluation system empowers site administrators, as instructional leaders, through meaningful, frequent, and actionable feedback from their supervisors. The New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) provides this system and guidance to help sustain and grow school leadership talent among all public and charter school site administrators.

Excel NM Overview

NMPED is introducing the Excel NM Guide Site Administrator Evaluation system (this link will take you to the “Excel NM Guide to the Site Administrator Evaluation System,” which you can download) to replace the previous Highly Objective Uniform Statewide Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) evaluation program. The new program will be housed in Canvas statewide for the 2024-2025 school year.

Excel NM Rubric

Every profession is guided by standards, describing essential practices and communicating priorities to current and future practitioners. The Five Essential Practices for Site Administrators convert the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (National Policy Board for Educational Administration, 2015) into meaningful, observable practices that reflect current school principals’ work and support leadership excellence through principal supervision, leadership learning, and performance evaluation. After reviewing professional standards from multiple states and research on principal effectiveness, the Principal Evaluation Task Force identified the following Five Essential Practices as important:


EXCEL 5EssentialsSchoolLeadership


EXCEL 5EssentialPractices18Elements

Excel NM Rubric for the Five Essential Practices

Five-Step Continuous Learning Cycle

Professional adults learn through evidence-informed learning cycles, which are systemic processes of identifying challenges and improving practice. NMPED encourages all educators — regardless of their location, experience level, or prior performance — to engage in learning cycles that leverage evidence to advance practice. Research clearly states that professional practice is promoted through fine-grained, actionable feedback on practice and evidence on the quality of practice (Clifford & Ross, 2012; National Association of Elementary School Principals and National Association of Secondary School Principals, 2013). NMPED recommends that New Mexico’s supervisors and site administrators use the five-step evaluation process (Figure 1) to support continuous learning.

EXCEL 5-StepEvaluationProcess

Excel NM 2024-2025 Important Information

The Excel NM program includes two Canvas courses: Excel NM Supervisor Training and Excel NM Site Administrator Evaluation.

Excel NM Supervisor Training

Supervisors evaluating site administrators should complete a 2-hour asynchronous online training on Canvas. The Excel NM Training Course focuses on the Five Essential Practices Framework and site administrator evaluation objectives. Completion of the course results in earning an Excel NM Training badge, which is valid for three years. Supervisors are advised to finish the training before the evaluation cycle with site administrators begins.

Excel NM Site Administrator Evaluation

Supervisors and Site administrators will utilize the Excel NM Site Administrator Evaluation course to capture all Excel NM professional learning through a series of activities including the co-development of a Professional Development Plan (PDP), Principal Practice Observations (PPO) a Middle of Year Progress Check and End of Year Performance Assessment.


Canvas Elevate NM Canvas

Canvas enhances the dynamic feedback cycle between supervisors and site administrators VITAL to the support of New Mexico’s site administrators. We are excited to announce that all things Excel NM will be in Canvas. Please see below to get started:



Excel NM Resources

 Excel NM 24-25 Support Hours for Supervisor and Site Administrators

Excel NM Suggested Activities and Timeline

Excel NM Guide to the Site Administrator Evaluation System

Excel NM Rubric for the Five Essential Practices

Page last updated February 21, 2025