Title VII contains three parts: Indian Education, Native Hawaiian Education, and Alaska Native Education. Parts B and C deal with Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native Education. As part of the federal trust responsibility, Title VII addresses the “unique educational and culturally-related academic needs,” including language-related needs, of American Indian students through formula grants to eligible LEAs and tribes from U.S. Department of Education. The act also provides competitive grant opportunities for “Special Programs and Projects to Improve Educational Opportunities for Indian Children,” and authorizes other expenditures to serve American Indians, including fellowships, gifted and talented education, and tribal educational planning grants.
The purpose of Impact Aid is to provide formula grants to school districts burdened by the presence of nontaxable federal land and installations to make up for the lost revenues and additional costs associated with the federal presence. It is one of the few formula programs where Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) receive funds directly from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) rather than through their states.