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Teacher, Principal, and District Resources

Teacher, Principal, and District Resources 2025-02-25T13:52:20-07:00

Resources for Teachers:

  • MLSS Implementation Guide NEW
    • The purpose of the implementation guide is to provide district, school leadership and teachers with guidance, resources, and tools for ensuring an effective implementation of MLSS for teachers and school leaders. 
  • MLSS Continuum of Supports Flowchart NEW
    • This decision making flowchart is a tool to assist teachers and education professional a means to assess the current needs of a student and plan for future interventions/supports.
  • MLSS Canvas Trainings NEW
    • These courses provide a unique opportunity for participants to receive certification of their understanding of MLSS while establishing avenues for educators to interact with other educators throughout the state.

Resources for School Administrators:

  • MLSS Self-Assessment
    • What is it?
      • Self-assessment of baseline implementation of the MLSS framework
    • Why should I spend the time to do this?
      • Transparent measure on a vast array of programs, policies, and initiatives
      • Starting point to begin collaboration with district and campus leadership
    • What can I use this data for?
      • Professional development opportunities
      • Systems and policies
      • Teacher supports
      • Family and community supports
  • MLSS Overview Presentation
    • To assist school principals with onboarding educator understanding of the MLSS, PED has developed a slide-deck and recorded a presentation that can be used in whole or part during staff development sessions.
  • MLSS Point-Of-Contact for all districts/charters
    • Schools that reside within a larger district should have a comprehensive understanding of the larger needs and goals of the district to minimize the duplication of efforts and funds. School administrators should be in consistent contact with their district/charter assigned MLSS Point-Of-Contact. If you are unsure who your district’s MLSS Point-Of-Contact is, please contact:

Resources for District/Charter Administrators:

  • MLSS Coaches
    • PED recognizes that districts and charters throughout the state will require a differing degree of guidance and supports while they work to plan implementation of the MLSS. In response to this need, PED has dedicated a significant amount of funds to ensure that each LEA (district/charter). Dependent on the MLSS Support Track selected by the LEA, coaches will work with their assigned district/charter as they work to plan for current and future implementation of MLSS by:
      • Assisting districts/charters with submitting required school-level data
      • Providing professional learning and technical assistance supports at no-cost
      • Holding monthly technical assistance calls with district and school administration
      • …and much more.

MLSS Coaches are in direct contact with the LEAs identified MLSS Point-Of-Contact. If you would like to request teacher or school-level MLSS technical assistance, please reach out to your LEAs MLSS Point-Of-Contact. If you are unsure who your district’s MLSS Point-Of-Contact is, please contact:

  • MLSS District Data Report NEW
    • Throughout the 2020-21 school year, PED worked with districts and charters throughout to have select schools submit the school-based MLSS Self-Assessment. This report now provides administrators of multi-school districts with a means to review data for all MLSS Progress Measures across multiple schools. To access this report, please visit the MLSS Self-Assessment webpage. If this is the first time you will be logging into the system, click the “request access” button at the bottom of the homepage.
  • MLSS Point-Of-Contact
    • If you are unsure who your district’s MLSS Point-Of-Contact is, please contact:
    • Each LEA (district/charter) in our state has been tasked with identifying a district-level administrator that will oversee implementation for the MLSS across systems, policies, and programs. Duties of the MLSS Point-Of-Contact include:
      • Required:
        • Attending monthly implementation webinars
        • Collecting Self-Assessment Data from all school sites
        • Disseminating information, guidance, and tools
      • Optional:
        • Using data collected from school sites to complete the MLSS District Planning Template
        • Facilitating virtual MLSS School Support Interviews
        • Disseminating technology and materials to participating schools
Page last updated February 25, 2025