Access • Opportunity • Quality
The vision of the NMCC is an efficient, coordinated system that bridges gaps and utilizes all of the assets of our state educational system to meet the needs of all students by providing accessible and forthcoming instruction including supports to and opportunities to accelerate students toward their education and career goals.
The mission of the NMCC is to align and collaborate education throughout New Mexico to provide our students with the best opportunities for an exceptional education.
New Mexico Course Consortium (NMCC) is a growing state-led provider network of public districts and charters who serve as supplemental course providers to students across the state through a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the student’s district or charter of residence.
“The consortium is already expanding horizons for New Mexico students no matter where they are enrolled. This is New Mexico schools helping each other help students get the courses they want and need.” – Public Education Secretary Kurt Steinhaus

Continue to check back as courses are being added as they are developed
Course Providers
OWL-Online with LCPS
Las Cruces Public Schools
Stephany Hanway
Serving K-12
SODA-V (Virtual)
School of Dreams Academy
Mike Ogas
Serving K-12
Taos Tiger Connect Academy
Taos Municipal Schools
Dr. Mae LaBella
Serving K-12
Pecos Cyber Academy
Dr. Kim Hite-Pope
Serving 9-12
Taos Academy
Elizabeth LeBlanc
Serving 5-12
TriStar Academy
Santa Rosa/ Ft. Sumner/Vaughn
Sharon West
Serving K-12