New Mexico accountability data by year
- Language Arts Attenuated Proficiency, SY 2023-24
- Language Arts Proficiency by Grade, SY 2023-24
- Math Attenuated Proficiency, SY 2023-24
- Math Proficiency by Grade, SY 2023-24
- Science Attenuated Proficiency, SY 2023-24
- Science Proficiency by Grade, SY 2023-24
- ASR Proficiencies, SY 2023-24
- DLM Proficiencies, SY 2023-24
- Istation Proficiencies, SY 2023-24
- MSSA Proficiencies, SY 2023-24
- SAT Proficiencies, SY 2023-24
- SBA Proficiencies, SY 2023-24
- All Valid Proficiencies by Entity and Student Group SY 2022-23, ESSA-aligned
- SY2023 ELA Attenuated Proficiency
- SY2023 Math Attenuated Proficiency
- SY2023 Science Attenuated Proficiency
- ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2023
- WIDA Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2023
- ASR Proficiencies SY 2022-23
- DLM Proficiencies SY 2022-23
- Istation Proficiencies SY 2022-23
- MSSA Proficiencies SY 2022-23
- SAT Proficiencies SY 2022-23
- All Valid Proficiencies by Entity and Student Group SY 2021-22, ESSA-aligned
- SY2022 ELA Attenuated Proficiency
- SY2022 Math Attenuated Proficiency
- SY2022 Science Attenuated Proficiency
- ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2022
- WIDA Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2022
- ASR Proficiencies SY 2021-22
- DLM Proficiencies SY 2021-22
- Istation Proficiencies SY 2021-22
- MSSA Proficiencies SY 2021-22
- SAT Proficiencies SY 2021-22
- ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2021, ESSA-aligned
- Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2021, ESSA-aligned
- All Valid Proficiencies by Entity and Student Group SY 2020-21, ESSA-aligned
- MSSA Proficiencies by Entity and Student Group SY 2020-21, ESSA-aligned
- DLM Proficiencies by Entity and Student Group SY 2020-21, ESSA-aligned
- SAT Proficiencies by Entity and Student Group SY 2020-21, ESSA-aligned
* New Mexico did not test in SBA Spanish extensively enough to report these figures within FERPA compliance this year, though these cases are included in our All Valid Tests Proficiencies.
- Proficiencies Webfiles, State, District, School 2019, ESSA-aligned
- Proficiencies Webfiles, State, District, School by Grade 2019, ESSA-aligned
- Transition Assessment in Math and English Language Arts (TAMELA): State, Districts, and Schools by Assessment 2019, ESSA-aligned
- Transition Assessment in Math and English Language Arts (TAMELA): State, Districts, and Schools by Content of Assessment 2019, ESSA-aligned
- SBA Science Proficiencies 2019, ESSA-aligned
- SBA Spanish Proficiencies 2019, ESSA-aligned
- ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2019, ESSA-aligned
- Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2019, ESSA-aligned
- NMAPA Proficiencies 2019, ESSA-aligned
- IStation Proficiencies 2019, ESSA-aligned
- PARCC Briefing Packet
- PARCC Proficiencies 2018
- PARCC Proficiencies by Content 2018
- SBA Science Proficiencies 2018
- SBA Spanish Proficiencies 2018
- Proficiencies Webfiles, State, District, School 2018
- Proficiencies Webfiles, State, District, School by Grade 2018
- ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2018
- Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2018
- NMAPA Proficiencies 2018
- IStation Proficiencies 2018
- PARCC Proficiencies 2017
- NMAPA Proficiencies 2017
- SBA Science Proficiencies 2017
- SBA Spanish Proficiencies 2017
- IStation Proficiencies 2017
- PARCC Proficiencies by Content 2017
- ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2017
- Proficiencies Webfiles, State, District, School 2017
- Proficiencies Webfiles, State, District, School by Grade 2017
- Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Proficiencies 2017