The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) require state education agencies to implement a system of annual school identification and to disseminate report cards that provide information on State, LEA, and school performance and progress.
The state framework for accountability and support recognizes that school performance should be assessed within five overarching categories aligned to ESSA requirements for meaningfully differentiating schools: 1) academic achievement, 2) academic progress, 3) English language proficiency, 4) indicators of school quality that contribute to college and career readiness, and 5) graduation rate. Each indicator is scored based on student outcomes in that area.
In 2019, New Mexico created New Mexico (NM) Vistas, a public website, that displays the applied state accountability model per ESSA requirements. It was developed to help families and others in our communities identify schools that are doing well in relation to their family and the community’s values. The information is used to create a summary score which helps to identify schools that are doing well overall and schools that may need extra support to improve.
- New Mexico Consolidated State ESSA Plan 2019
- 2021-2022 Addendum for the Consolidated State Plan due to COVID-19
2022-2023 ESSA Accountability Cycle Resources
2023-2024 ESSA Accountability Cycle Resources
- Accountability Measures Overview 2023-24 (Coming soon)
- NMPED ESSA Accountability Technical Manual 2023-24 (Coming soon)
- SY 2023-24 Graduation Cohort Validation Process Fact Sheet
District Report Cards by Year
- Technical Guides Readme
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – Academic Growth
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – Accelerated Coursework
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – All Valid Tests (AVT)
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – Alternate Assessment Participation
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – College and Career Readness (CCR)
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – Educator Qualifications
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – English Learner and Recent Arrivals
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – Graduation Growth
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – Participation
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – Per Pupil Expenditure
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – Pre-Kindergarten Enrollment
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – Proficiency
- NM VISTAS & District/State Report Cards – School Quality, Climate and Safety
- NM VISTAS – English Learner Proficiency
- NM VISTAS – English Learner Progress (ELP)
- NM VISTAS – Shared Accountability Units (SAUs) Graduation Rates (4-, 5-, and 6-year)
- NM VISTAS – Regular Attendance
- NM VISTAS – All Valid Enrollments (AVE)
- NM VISTAS – Points and Designations
- New Mexico Consolidated State ESSA Plan 2019
- 2021-2022 Addendum for the Consolidated State Plan due to COVID-19