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Guidance and Tools 2025-02-25T13:52:11-07:00


Resource Menu Content Description
MLSS Manual This New Mexico Multi-Layered System of Supports (MLSS) manual updates the instructional framework and guidance on the statutorily mandated (NMSA 22-13-32) response to intervention process in New Mexico to be more comprehensive, target features of implementation, and to include resources available at each layer of support.
MLSS Implementation Guide The purpose of the implementation guide is to provide district, school leadership and teachers with guidance, resources, and tools for ensuring an effective implementation of MLSS. Implemented well, MLSS will lead to appropriate instruction for students, inclusive of at-risk students* in any content area. Schools can use the guiding questions to examine their current practices to determine existing systems and structures that can be leveraged and determine where additional practices need to be created.*In New Mexico and in reference to the Martinez/Yazzie consolidated lawsuit, at-risk means: Native American students, students with disabilities, students who are English learners, economically disadvantaged students, and students who are highly mobile. (New Mexico Public Education Department, Martinez and Yazzie FAQs)
MLSS Self-Assessment Instructions


Link to MLSS Self-Assessment:


The MLSS Self-Assessment is a web-based tool that school sites can use to gather baseline implementation data of the MLSS Framework. This tool provides a transparent measure on a vast array of programs, policies, and initiatives that become the starting point for collaborative conversation with district and school leaders.

If you require assistance with accessing or completing the MLSS Self-Assessment please contact Christopher Vian at ( or (505-231-0766).

MLSS District and Charter Planning Template The MLSS District and Charter Planning template provides district and charter leadership teams with a framework to look at policies, programs, and personnel across the whole system. This guidance supports with identifying a cross-system implementation team, creating a communication plan, using the MLSS Self-Assessment data to guide decision making, identifying needs and assigning responsibilities, and providing intensive implementation support to select schools.
MLSS Implementation Excel Sheet This tool assists school and district administrators with assessing the current state of MLSS implementation through targeted progress measures. Use this tool to plan future implementation programs, policies and initiatives.
MLSS Continuum of Supports Flowchart This decision making flowchart is a tool to assist teachers and education professional a means to assess the current needs of a student and plan for future interventions/supports. This tool may be provided to the Student Assistance Team (SAT) to help make evaluative judgements of the efficacy of targeted interventions.
MLSS-Overview Presentation This presentation slide deck provides a quick overview of the core elements of MLSS.
National Resources This document contains a variety of resources concerning leveled intervention models throughout the nation.
OSEP 11-07 RTI Memo – US Department of Education This memo outlines the mandate that no procedures or practices delay the identification of students.
Page last updated February 25, 2025