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District Test Coordinators

///District Test Coordinators
District Test Coordinators 2024-06-21T08:47:47-06:00

All portals, forms, and resources designed to support district test coordinators (DTCs) in managing statewide assessments for individual LEAs are available in the DTC Workspace in Canvas. Access to the DTC Workspace will occur once the Assessment Bureau receives the completed Superintendent’s Designation of DTC and IT Coordinator form.

The resources included here should support a newly designated DTC while access to the workspace is pending. It is the responsibility of the DTC to ensure that site test coordinators have the resources, training and materials to facilitate successful state mandated testing.

Policy Documents and References

NMAC 6.10.7 Standardized Testing Procedures and Requirements – Revised, August 2023
District Test Coordinator Manual
NMPED Accommodations Manual Version 3 – Sept. 26, 2023
NMAC 6.19.7 Demonstration of Competency for HS Graduation

Superintendent Designations

Submit returning DTC and IT designations through the PED Test Coordinator Portal.

For new Superintendents and DTCs, complete the Superintendent’s Designation of DTC and IT Coordinator Form and email to

PED Test Coordinator Portal

PED Canvas
DTC Workspace

Page last updated June 21, 2024