Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) | Grades 3—8, 11 ELA/Math | Grades 5, 8, 11 Science | Formative/Interim/Summative
Dynamic Learning Maps alternate assessments are designed for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for whom, even with accommodations, general state assessments are not appropriate. DLM assessments offer these students a way to show what they know and can do in mathematics, English language arts, and science.
- Students in grades 3—8 and 11 must be administered the DLM in math and English.
- Students in grades 5, 8, and 11 must also be administered the DLM in science.
DLM measures student proficiency on the Essential Elements for English language arts, math, and science. EEs are the state-adopted alternate standards linked with the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards, although at less-complex skill levels. Please visit the state content standards page to view all EEs for all DLM-assessed subjects.
All students who complete the DLM receive a scale score and a corresponding performance level in each subject in which they test. Below are the state-adopted performance-level descriptors for each content area. These descriptors provide educators and families with an idea of the knowledge, skills, and abilities a student has demonstrated on the assessment.
DLM Definition of Most Significant Cognitive Disability
DLM Assessment Participation Guidelines
ELA Performance Level Descriptors
Mathematics Performance Level Descriptors
Science Performance Level Descriptors
NMPED Accessibility & Accommodations Manual Version 4 – January 22, 2025
NM DLM Website
DLM Test Administrator Manual
Essential Elements: ELA
Essential Elements: Math
Essential Elements: Science
DLM First Contact Survey and PNP: Training Video
DLM First Contact Survey Instructions
DLM Professional Development and Additional Module Training Support
DLM Familiar Texts