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iMSSA Resources

iMSSA Resources 2025-02-24T13:40:52-07:00

Interim New Mexico Measures of Student Success & Achievement (i‑MSSA) | Grades 3-8 | Formative/Interim

Interim Measure of Student Success and Achievement (iMSSA) assessments are available for beginning-, middle-, and end-of-year administration windows set by PED in grades 3-8, Reading, Writing & Language Usage, and Math. While New Mexico requires that all districts and charter schools administer an interim assessment in regular intervals, use of the iMSSA is optional.

iMSSA Fact Sheet


Teacher/School Leader Resources

Educator Portals and Resources

Test Alignment Tables: These documents demonstrates the alignment of items to intended standards and to a taxonomy for cognitive complexity . The assessments were written to college and career readiness standards similar to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). To evaluate the cognitive complexity of Cognia test items, we used Webb’s Depth of Knowledge taxonomy.

Accommodations Information

Student & Family Resources

Family Portals and Resources

Please contact local school administrations for necessary accommodations and additional language options for interpreting student results information.

State-Adopted Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) and Scale Scores

Page last updated February 24, 2025