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CTE Regions and Priorities 2024-07-15T14:51:17-06:00

CTE Regions and Priorities

New Mexico requires a regional-association organizational structure where Career Technical Education funding decisions for secondary and postsecondary institutions are prioritized by all members of the regional, workforce-aligned association. Funded programs of study must meet Perkins V criteria related to size, scope, and quality and be aligned to in-demand industry sectors in order to be considered for federal Perkins funding, or be designed to meet local education or economic needs.

If you would like to add a program of study that is not currently identified as a Regional Priority for your region below, please complete and submit one of the following forms:

Map of regions for ccrb

State Priorities – All Perkins and NextGen participants in program years 24-25 and 25-26 will be able to fund programs of study associated with the following three Career Clusters:

Business Management & Administration
Education & Training
Information Technology

Regional Priorities – All ten CTE regions in New Mexico conducted a labor market analysis led by the NM Department of Workforce Solutions, and selected three additional Career Clusters. Perkins and NextGen participants in program years 24-25 and 25-26 will be able to fund programs of study associated with the Career Clusters selected by the Regions in which their institution is physically located:


Architecture & Construction
Health Science


Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Health Science
Hospitality & Tourism


Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Architecture & Construction
Hospitality & Tourism


Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Health Science
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math


Architecture & Construction
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Health Science


Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Health Science


Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Health Science
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security


Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Architecture & Construction
Health Science


Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Architecture & Construction
Health Science


Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Health Science
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Local priorities – All districts, state-authorized charter schools, and institutions of higher education may use their labor market analysis, information provided by workforce boards, chambers of commerce, and other sources to identify an additional Career Cluster as a local priority. The LEA/IHE may commit Perkins and/or NextGen funds to approved programs of study associated with their selected Cluster. For information about local priority selection, please contact your Regional Coach.

*District authorized charter schools may be eligible to select a local priority. Please contact your Regional Coach for more information.

To learn more about Career Clusters or see all related pathways, visit:

Page last updated July 15, 2024