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Next Step Plan 2025-02-21T11:22:00-07:00

students speaking outside school

Next Step Plan (NSP)

The New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) realizes the value the Next Step Plan (NSP) has in supporting students’ college and career goals. The College and Career Readiness Bureau (CCRB) is working with counselors across the state and Level All Inc. to adapt and improve the NSP process for students.

The resources and information below are the foundations for implementation of Next Step Plans at your district or school. However, each district and school can modify the NSP as needed to support students.

If you would like to be a part of the support team that is working on improving the NSP, please contact CCRB’s point of contact for Next Step Plan, Benjamin Lukoski, at or (505) 470–1481.

What is the Next Step Plan (NSP)?

  • The NSP is a personal, written plan that is developed by each student at the end of grades 8–11 and during the senior year (grade 12).
  • For grades 8–11, the plan is called an interim NSP, and for grade 12 it is called a final NSP.
  • The purpose of the plan is to target the student’s postsecondary interests, and set forth the studies he or she will complete during high school in order to be on track for graduation. The student reviews and updates his or her NSP annually, and each year’s plan must explain any differences from the previous year’s NSP.
  • Each year’s plan should align with the approved graduate profile and should be completed on a PED-approved template.
  • NSP ensures students are reasonably informed about course options including AP, IB, DC; career clusters and pathways; pre-apprenticeship programs and remediation opportunities.


  • State rule requires that each year’s NSP must be completed within 60 days of the preceding school year.
  • Each student must complete a final NSP during the senior year (grade 12) and prior to graduation.
  • Under state law at Subsection B of 12-2A-3 NMSA 1978, a person is no longer a minor the moment he or she turns 18 years old. Therefore, for schools working with a student who is 18 or older, parental signature and approval of the NSP is not required.
  • The Individualized Education Program (IEP) team for grades 8–12 must incorporate all of the state’s NSP requirements into the student’s IEP. Once a student reaches age 14, the IEP must also include all the transition IEP requirements of state special rule at Subsection G of NMAC and the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) at 34 CFR Secs. 300.320(b) and 300.324(c).


In 2024, NM PED signed an agreement with Level All Inc. to make their College and Career Readiness Platform and virtual Next Step Plan available to all New Mexico school districts at no cost. To schedule a demo and learn more, contact or Benjamin Lukoski at or (505) 470–1481. home page



Page last updated February 21, 2025