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Educator Growth and Development Bureau

///Educator Growth and Development Bureau
Educator Growth and Development Bureau 2025-02-28T16:04:06-07:00


The Advancement Program Level (APL) Micro-Credentials for Level 1 teachers advancing to Level 2 and Level 2 teachers advancing to Level 3 is a competency-based process that is made up of stacked courses, each focused on a discrete skill or area aligned with the four domains in Elevate NM, the educator evaluation system.  In 2022 NMPED began to transition from the Professional Development Dossier (PDD) to the APL micro-credentials.

Please note, the Professional Development Dossier (PDD) is no longer an option for licensure advancement. the window for the last PDD’s opened July 15, 2023 and closed March 29, 2024. Resubmissions closed at 11:59 pm, May 15, 2024.

Educator Evaluation Elevate NM, the educator evaluation system, supports educator growth and development through components and domains using a revised Danielson Framework. It builds on an actionable feedback cycle that prioritizes dynamic conversations and timely feedback to support educators in continually honing their craft. The Excel NM Site Administrator Evaluation System replaces the former Highly Objective Uniform Statewide Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) program. This new system aims to improve site administrator performance and foster professional development. Excel NM promotes professional growth by pinpointing areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, the program will be implemented statewide via Canvas.

The BridgeUSA NMPED Exchange Visiting Teacher Program allows international teachers to teach in a district or charter school in New Mexico by providing a non-immigrant J-1 Visa for specified window of time.  The New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) serves as the state’s program Sponsor.

Title II, Part A is a federal program designed to increase academic achievement by providing resources to improve teacher and principal quality.



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Page last updated February 28, 2025