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Assessment 2025-02-24T13:38:22-07:00

Our mission is to positively impact student learning by ensuring the development and administration of valid and reliable assessments that:

  • Measure the effectiveness of curriculum and instruction
  • Include data systems and structures that provide students, teachers, administrators and stakeholders with the information needed to make informed decisions
  • Produce a measure indicating progress towards readiness for college and career
  • Uphold the belief that all students can learn and achieve at high levels
  • Hold schools and the PED accountable to create equitable opportunities for students

New Mexico’s required assessments meet state and federal requirements (English | Spanish) for Title I, Title II, and Title III. These assessments are used for a variety of accountability measures.

Statewide Testing Calendar

Assessment Literacy & Training for LEAs

District Test Coordinators Only

Screeners Framework/Manual Supported Grades Resources Policy/Links to Rule Program Bureau Sites
Screening for Potential ELs LUS Survey Tools K-12 EL FAQ Federal Resources EL Identification
Dyslexia Screener Dyslexia Handbook 1 Dyslexia Canvas Catalog Dyslexia Statute Literacy & Humanities
Gifted Screener Gifted Technical Assistance Manual K-12 Universal Screening Hosted by Christopher Vian Gifted & Talented Rule Gifted Education

Summative, ESSA State Standards Alignment Supported Grades Supports and Resources for DTCs, Teachers, Instructional Leaders, and Families Partner Sites
Assessment of Science Readiness (ASR)
English | Español
STEM Ready! Science Standards 5, 8, 11 ASR Resources KU Help & Support Site
Measures of Student Success & Achievement (MSSA)
English | Español
3-8 MSSA Resources Cognia Help & Support Site
SAT School Day
English | Español
11 SAT School Day Resources College Board Site
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Alternate Assessments
English | Español
3-8 & 11 DLM Resources DLM State Site
ACCESS & Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
English | Español
English Language Development Standards K-12 ACCESS & Alternate ACCESS Resources

WIDA State Site
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) NAEP Framework for Math and Language Arts 4 & 8 NAEP Resources NAEP National Site

Page last updated February 24, 2025