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Readiness Assessment

Readiness Assessment 2025-02-25T09:28:00-07:00

Purpose of the Martinez/Yazzie Readiness Assessment tool

This Martinez/Yazzie Readiness Assessment tool is designed using components from Martinez and Yazzie, et al. v. State of New Mexico et al., Decision and Order and current NMPED compliance and technical assistance guidance documents.

The Martinez/Yazzie Readiness Assessment tool is not an NMPED data collection tool.

The Martinez/Yazzie Readiness Assessment is meant to support Equity Councils and district and charter school leadership in having meaningful and productive conversations about current services and programs that impact at-risk students. The Martinez and Yazzie, et al. v. State of New Mexico et al.,Decision and Order defines at-risk students as children who come from economically disadvantaged homes, children who are English Language Learners, children who are Native American, and children with a disability (Martinez and Yazzie, et al. v. State of New Mexico et al.,Decision and Order pg. 3).

How To Use This Readiness Assessment Tool

Equity Councils are made up of district and charter staff, people from the school community that are experts in meeting the educational, social, and emotional needs of at-risk students, and members of the students groups that compose at-risk students. Some members of the Equity Council may not be well- versed in some of the education terms and concepts used in the readiness assessment tool. The NMPED suggest that members on the Equity Council partner up to bridge learning and build relationships. This tool is meant to foster conversations about if the district or charter provides services and programs to meet the needs of at-risk students. These conversations may be challenging and can potentially bring to light areas where the district or charter is not meeting the needs of at-risk students. It is important to note that the Equity Council will use what they learn from the tool to advise and inform the Superintendent or Charter School Executive Director as they prepare their school budget for the coming school year.

The Readiness Assessment Tool Suggested Practices

  1. Equity Council members read through the tool completely.
  2. Equity Councils ask questions and calibrate their understanding of the rating statements in the tool.
  3. Equity Councils take the readiness assessment.
  4. Equity Councils formulate their advisements to the Superintendent or Charter School Executive Director.

This process could take between 1-3 meetings or 1 full meeting day. It is up to the discretion of the Superintendent or Charter School Executive Director to decide how to manage the process to ensure that it is productive and meaningful for participants.

Page last updated February 25, 2025