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Seamless Summer 2025-02-25T11:47:41-07:00


Free Summer Meals

The Seamless Summer Option (SSO) permits School Food Authorities (SFAs) participating in National School Lunch Program (NLSP) and/or School Breakfast Program (SBP) to serve meals during summer and/or other school vacation periods using the same meal service rules and claiming procedures they use during the regular school year. Compliance for SSO is in the same manner as it assesses the NSLP and SBP, i.e. the State Agency (SA) collects information about program operations and compares its findings to Performance Standard 1, Performance Standard 2, and the General Areas. The SFA must ensure that each participating site is complaint with meal counting, claiming, menu planning, and food safety requirements established in 7 CFR 210 and 220.

  • The SSO Program serves all children thru age 18 at a site that is located within geographical area where free and reduced percentages ≥ 50%. Sites may include parks, churches, mobile feeding sites and schools. SSO is an alternative to Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). The goal for SSO is to provide free summer meals in low income areas during the traditional summer vacation periods.
  • Reimbursements – Meals served under the SSO are reimbursed at the “free” rates prescribed by USDA for the NSLP, SBP and Afterschool Snack Program. Supper is reimbursed at the lunch free rate. Camps operating SSO are reimbursed free meals to children who are eligible at the free and reduced price.  Children who are ineligible for free and reduced meals are not reimbursable. The number and type of meals that may be reimbursed depends on the category of site.
  • Category of sites – Open, Closed, or Restricted open are allowed two meals maximum served—any combination of lunch, breakfast and snack. Camps and Migrant Sites are allowed three meals maximum served—any combination of lunch, breakfast, supper and snack.

Find your summer meal sites in your area, please visit the Summer Food Service Program Sites.


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Page last updated February 25, 2025