School counseling programs are collaborative efforts benefiting students, parents, teachers, administrators and the overall community. School counseling programs should be an integral part of a student’s daily educational environment, and counselors should be partners in student achievement.
The dedicated School Counselors NM Community of Best Practices offers resources, professional development opportunities, and back issues of newsletters.
Professional Development Resources
- New Mexico School Counselor Association
- College Board Counselor Summer Institute webinars
- College Board for Counselors
New Mexico School Counselor Association
Association for Career & Technical Education (ACTE)
National Association for College Admission Counseling
College Advising Essentials v2 (For School Counselors and parents)
College Advising Essentials v1 (For School Counselors and teachers) : One-stop shopping website for college and career information with planning tools from college search to admission and paying for college.
Roadmap to Careers : This website is a career search tool for students with interest-matching activities, videos, interviews with professionals, and much more.
Career Pathways in NM : Tool for exploring high-value careers
Social Emotional Learning
The promise of a great public education is built upon a foundation of healthy, safe, supportive, and joyful schools, students, and families. Attending to the social and emotional needs of our students and our communities has never been as apparent or as urgent as it is now. As we navigate this unparalleled moment in our educational history, we are proud to put forth this first statewide Social and Emotional Learning Framework.
Using this as a guide, we set our stake in the ground that New Mexico schools will fully engage in the critical and conscientious work of meeting the needs of the whole child. We will train and support our educators. We will work collaboratively with our students and families. We will invest in the systems and infrastructure that our children need and deserve so that they can thrive. Our reinvigorated commitment to this work begins now. Thank you for joining us on this journey toward healthy, safe, supportive, and joyful schools for all. — Ryan Stewart, Ed.L.D, New Mexico Secretary of Education
To see all the SEL Resources available to counselors, visit the PED’s Safe and Healthy Schools webpage.