Our Vision
The Instructional Material Bureau works to ensure High Quality Instructional Material is in the hands of every educator and learner in New Mexico and used to its fullest extent.
Our Mission
The mission of the Instructional Material Bureau, in support of educators and learners, is to vet instructional materials through a rigorous review process, conducted by New Mexico educators, to determine alignment with New Mexico Content Standards and Benchmarks and to inform local agencies of the efficacy of the process and provide them access to high quality instructional material.
High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM)
High Quality Instructional Materials are content-rich, fully accessible, culturally and linguistically relevant, free from bias, research-based, aligned to New Mexico content standards, and a comprehensive full course of study. They are written with clear purpose, effective lesson structure, and pacing to provide flexibility for teachers to best support learning for all students, encouraging inquiry, complex problem solving, and curiosity. HQIM provide a variety of relevant assessments to support and guide teachers with professional tools to evaluate student comprehension of the content and provide deeper understanding of the standards. HQIM also represent a variety of cultural and linguistic perspectives and highlight diversity in culture and language through multiple perspectives to support students in making meaning of each content area.
HQIM Purchases in New Mexico
The New Mexico Public Education Department (PED) prioritizes the adoption and implementation of HQIM to promote equity and access to on-grade level standards in all classrooms. PED has created the NM Materials Matter dashboard to promote transparency and accountability, empower communities, and drive excellence.
High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Reviews website
Our High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Reviews website contains reviews conducted by New Mexico educators for New Mexico educators. Level II and Level III educators from across New Mexico review the submitted instructional materials for alignment with state-adopted standards and other criteria for high quality. Please visit the website for review scores, a detailed appraisal for each reviewed core title, and other useful information about core instructional materials.
High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM): A Resource Manual for Identifying, Selecting, and Implementing HQIM
This HQIM resource manual is designed to walk teachers, schools, and districts through the research behind high quality instructional materials; how materials are selected for adoption on the list in New Mexico; and how districts can navigate options for essential considerations and ongoing implementation. View and download the HQIM resource manual.