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Private Schools

Private Schools 2023-12-19T08:11:07-07:00

Provided is information for private schools and Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) schools.  The information includes requirements for eligibility to receive instructional material allocations, ordering instructional materials from Archway Depository, and other information.  The New Mexico Legislature has not provided an appropriation for instructional materials for private schools and BIE schools since fiscal year 2018/2019.



  1. WHEN:  All private and BIE schools with any carryover balance and/or any expenditures using state funds during the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 are required to submit an annual report to the Instructional Material Bureau no later than November 22, 2023.
  2. ANNUAL REPORT TEMPLATE:  Access the Private and BIE Schools Annual Reports Google folder and select your specific folder with the name of your school.  Your annual report will have the specific name of your private/BIE school.  Make sure to select your FY23 Annual Report template.
  3. INSTRUCTIONS: Review the instructions on the Checklist tab of your annual report and the more detailed Copy of Private BIE Schools INSTRUCTIONS FOR FY 23 in your private/BIE school folder.  Prior to completing your FY23 Annual Report, you may want to view the webinar recording for completing last year’s annual report. Do not download the annual report.  You must work on the annual report as a Google Sheet.  Your annual report will not be accepted if you don’t follow these instructions.
  4. COMPLETE:  Use the Checklist on the first tab of the Annual Report to ensure you complete all the required worksheets – Checklist, FY23 Annual Report, and 14000 Itemized List.  Enter data in cells that are shaded green.  Greyed-out cells will auto-populate.
  5. SUBMIT:  Your annual report will be considered officially complete by checking each of the boxes on the Checklist tab or by November 22, 2023, whichever comes first.  Do not download or email the annual report.  It must remain as a Google Sheet in your folder.  After November 22, you will no longer have access to your annual report.

Archway Depository_iSTAR Online ordering for Instructional Materials

Private School Statutory Requirements

Educational Accrediting Agencies Recognized by PED

Page last updated December 19, 2023