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NM Materials Matter Dashboard

///NM Materials Matter Dashboard
NM Materials Matter Dashboard 2025-02-21T15:23:48-07:00

Research shows that access to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) dramatically improves educational outcomes. 

The New Mexico Public Education Department (PED) prioritizes the adoption and implementation of HQIM to promote equity and access to on-grade level standards in all classrooms. PED has created the NM Materials Matter dashboard to promote transparency and accountability, empower communities, and drive excellence. The dashboard focuses on the instructional materials school districts purchased for core instruction and identifies the materials that are high-quality. Data in the dashboard is based on district reporting and verification by districts as part of the instructional material annual reports. Charter schools are not included in this inaugural release of the dashboard; however, they may be added in the future.

”Having a common language, having a common framework, you have a better chance of everyone implementing it (HQIM) with fidelity.” Dr. V. Sue Cleveland, Superintendent, Rio Rancho Public Schools, Knowledge Matters Campaign
  • Transparency and Accountability: The new dashboard promotes transparency and accountability by showing the instructional materials used across New Mexico districts, ensuring alignment with state standards and a commitment to equity in education.
  • Empowering Communities: This tool empowers families, educators, and policymakers with accessible information to support informed decisions, foster collaboration, and advocate for high-quality, culturally relevant instructional materials for all students.
  • Driving Excellence: By highlighting progress and successful practices, the dashboard advances New Mexico’s shared vision for educational excellence, helping districts learn from one another and improve.
NM Materials Matter Dashboard

Page last updated February 21, 2025