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Student Assistance Team (SAT)

Student Assistance Team (SAT) 2025-02-25T13:52:23-07:00

The Student Assistance Team (SAT) is a school based group of people whose purpose is to provide additional support to students who are experiencing academic or behavioral difficulties that are preventing the students from benefiting from general education because they are either performing below or above expectations. The SAT is comprised of a core group that anchors the team. Core members should have good communication skills and a solid working knowledge about a variety of supports (types of interventions, educational and community resources, etc.). Core team members may vary by school, but should include at a minimum: an administrator, regular education staff, and specialists in accordance with Section (J)(4) 22-2C-6 NMSA, 1978.

Referral to the SAT is not required for assigning a student to layered interventions as part of New Mexico’s Multi-Layered System of Supports (MLSS). There are no documentation requirements for moving a student in or out of a layer of intervention beyond what is normally required by general education teachers. Appropriate interventions should be provided to all students regardless of referral to the SAT, and regardless of special education or gifted determination. Additionally, students in the SAT process are entitled to receive all appropriate Layer 1, 2, and 3 interventions. A high rate of SAT referral and/or retention recommendations suggests that the school or district leadership may wish to evaluate the school’s culture and climate, core instructional program, instructional practices, and behavioral expectations. SAT referrals require data and information from multiple sources.

  • What is staying the same?
    • All of the previous requirements for SAT
  • What has changed?
    • What has changed is the method to which students get to SAT:
      • PLC Referrals: PLCs are the first line of defense against of the over-referral of students to SAT and Special Education. Thus, in the new SAT Referral Process Recommendations it is strongly encouraged that ALL New Mexico schools begin to require a collaborative educator to co-sign the packet with the referring teacher. This will help mitigate the referral of students whose needs would otherwise be met with changes in adult behavior.
      • Administrator Oversight: School administrators will now be asked to take a direct role in tracking student movement through SAT to ensure equitable access to universal supports and mitigate the over-referral of traditionally marginalized student groups.
  • Are NMPED approved forms required for SAT?
    • No. Forms contained in the new NMPED SAT Referral Packet are provided as exemplar sample forms. LEAs (districts & state-authorized charters) may use whichever forms they have developed that best meet the needs of their students and teachers.
Document Name Document Description
Supplemental SAT Guide Provides in-depth guidance of the NEW SAT process aligned to the MLSS. Includes guidance for effective meeting procedures, teacher fidelity assurances, parent/guardian inclusion, Special Education, and English Learners.
Checklist and Descriptions for SAT Documentation Forms Provides links, descriptions, and a checklist of responsible parties for all SAT forms.
Flowchart for NEW SAT Process Provides an easy visual of the NEW SAT process broken down by academics and/or behavior.
Cover Page – SAT Referral Packet This is the initial SAT Referral Cover Page. This form provides basic information about the student and referring educator. Provides a checklist of required designations that a student must meet prior to being referred.
Form A – Student Profile and Background Information
(Spanish Translation)
Provides information about the student’s:

  • school attendance
  • discipline history
  • current program placement
  • language profile
  • strengths
  • areas of concern specific to academics/behavior
Form B – Instructional Fidelity Assurances Ensures Teacher has used Layer 1 instructional supports and the PLC/Teacher Teams and school administrator have reviewed information and supported the teacher. This form is to identify gaps and/or additional supports that may need to be addressed before referral to the SAT.
Form C – Student Case History
(Spanish Translation)
Provides Information from parent/guardian regarding family history, health, and social background data about the student.
Form D – Vision & Hearing Provides the SAT with information about student’s visual acuity and hearing.
Form E – Fidelity Assurances for Behavioral Support Ensures Teacher has used Layer 1 behavioral supports and the PLC/Teacher Teams and school administrator have reviewed information and supported the teacher. This form is to identify gaps and/or additional supports that may need to be addressed before referral to the SAT.
Form F – Invitation to SAT Meeting
(Spanish Translation)
Provides a sample of required parent/guardian notification of implanting SAT meeting.
Form G – SAT Observation Form Provides the SAT with information as to observable behaviors of the student during classroom instruction furnished by a third party.
Form H – Summary of SAT Meeting & Recommendations This form summarizes the findings of the SAT Team for the student referred. This form designates whether the student’s needs are serviceable through MLSS or if evaluation is needed.

Questions about the Student Assistance Team process? Contact:

Page last updated February 25, 2025