The New Mexico Social Studies Standards were redeveloped through a transparent process using research on current evidence-based practices and sound data to create a culturally responsive set of standards that focus on the knowledge and skills critical to ensure ALL students in NM are college, career, and civic ready. The work started in 2021 with a visionary committee who created guiding principles. Stakeholders including educators, business and community leaders, higher education representatives, and parents continued to be involved throughout the adoption process.
The writing began when a team of educators from across the state applied in response to a call from PED. They were selected to convene and analyze the old standards, receive training in standards writing, and examine standards from across the country. The standards were written and developed through the New Mexico Administrative Code process that included public comment. A subset of this working group later convened to revise the proposed standards after considering responses from public hearing and comments. The final rule was submitted in 2022.
Strands and Anchors at a Glance
Civics | Economics/Personal Financial Literacy | Geography | History | Ethnic, Cultural, and Identity Studies | Inquiry |
Anchor Standard 1
Civic And Political Institutions |
Anchor Standard 5
Economic Decisions Making |
Anchor Standard 11
Geogrpahic Representations and Reasoning |
Anchor Standard 15
Historical Change, Continuity, Context, and Reconciliation |
Anchor Standard 20
Diversity and Identity |
Anchor Standard 23
Construct Compelling and Supporting Questions |
Anchor Standard 2
Processes, Rules, and Laws |
Anchor Standard 6
Incentives and Choices |
Anchor Standard 12
Location, Pleace, and Region |
Anchor Standard 16
Cause and Consequence |
Anchor Standard 21
Identity in History |
Anchor Standard 24
Gather and Evaluate Sources |
Anchor Standard 3
Civic Dispositions and Democratic Principles |
Anchor Standard 7
Economic Systems and Models |
Anchor Standard 13
Movement, Population, and Systems |
Anchor Standard 17
Historical Thinking |
Anchor Standard 22
Community Equity Building |
Anchor Standard 25
Develop Claims |
Anchor Standard 8
Money and Markets |
Anchor Standard 14
Human-Environmental Interactions and Sustainability |
Anchor Standard 18
Critical Consciousness and Perspectives |
Anchor Standard 26
Communicate and Critique Conclusions |
Anchor Standard 9
Global Economy |
Anchor Standard 19
Power Dynamics, Leadership, and Agency |
Anchor Standard 27
Take Informed Action |
Anchor Standard 4
Roles and Responsibilities of a Civic Life |
Anchor Standard 10
Personal Financial Literacy |
From the Guiding Principles, the Following Major Shifts Emerged:
- Moving away from a singular dominant narrative
- Crafting questions that spark and sustain inquiry
- Integrating skills and content purposefully
- Providing opportunities for communicating conclusions through productive student discourse and taking informed action
- Empowering students to develop agency and pride in their identities
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