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Elementary School Field Test

Elementary School Field Test 2025-02-25T09:48:14-07:00

This field test is part of a collaborative development process led by OpenSciEd, in which a group of state education agencies, school districts, classroom educators, and science curriculum developers is creating research-based, open-source science instructional materials that align to A Framework for K-12 Science Education (the Framework) and are consistent with the NM STEM Ready! Science Standards. Contributing to this effort will provide teachers with access to high quality instructional resources and dynamic professional learning that gives all students in your district a chance to experience equitable science instruction.

New Mexico adopted the NM STEM Ready! Science Standards in July 2018. Elementary school curriculum materials aligned to the recommended K–5 course map are hard to find. OpenSciEd is a project to develop freely available, high quality, NGSS-aligned curriculum materials for elementary science. New Mexico is currently a partner state in the project to develop full year courses for Grades K–5. science.

Below you will find links to specific information for district/school administrators, state/district facilitators and teachers.

Page last updated February 25, 2025