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Social and Emotional Learning SEL

///Social and Emotional Learning SEL
Social and Emotional Learning SEL 2025-02-25T11:04:11-07:00

Cartoon children surround the words "Social Emotional Learning"District wide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) for all schools to support staff, students and families in better academic and social/emotional outcomes. Systematically implementing SEL in districts and schools promotes self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responsible decision making and relationship skills for all students, staff, family and community. Research has shown a decrease in conduct issues, improved attitudes toward school, better attendance and graduation rates and well and improved staff retention in districts where comprehensive SEL is implemented.

Social and Emotional Learning Framework

tree logo for SELJanuary 6, 2021 The promise of a great public education is built upon a foundation of healthy, safe, supportive, and joyful schools, students, and families. Attending to the social and emotional needs of our students and our communities has never been as apparent or as urgent as it is now. As we navigate this unparalleled moment in our educational history, we are proud to put forth this first statewide Social and Emotional Learning Framework. Using this as a guide, we set our stake in the ground that New Mexico’s schools will fully engage in the critical and conscientious work of meeting the needs of the whole child. We will train and support our educators. We will work collaboratively with our students and families. We will invest in the systems and infrastructure that our children need and deserve so that they can thrive. Our reinvigorated commitment to this work begins now. Thank you for joining us on this journey toward healthy, safe, supportive, and joyful schools for all.

NM Social and Emotional Learning Framework

New Mexico’s SEL Framework and Assessment Rubric

7 Mindsets, the leader in online social emotional learning (SEL)solutions, and New Mexico’s Public Education Department have partnered to make frees SEL resources available through a new online state portal. Beginning September14, 2021 the portal will give students, parents, and educators no-cost access to 7 Mindset’s SEL courses and curriculums, leadership training, and teacher professional development.

For access to the portal go to:

Social and Emotional Learning Resources

CASEL Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning Through research, practice, and policy, we collaborate with thought leaders to equip educators and policymakers with the knowledge and resources to advance social and emotional learning in equitable learning environments so all students can thrive.

CASEL Resources

CASEL Program Guides The CASEL Guide provides a systematic framework for evaluating the quality of social and emotional programs and applies this framework to identify and rate well-designed, evidence-based SEL programs with potential for broad dissemination to schools across the United States. The Guide also shares best-practice guidelines for district and school teams on how to select and implement SEL programs. Finally, it offers recommendations for future priorities to advance SEL research and practice.

Social Emotional Learning Competencies Wheel

Wallace Foundation Find Out How to Build Social and Emotional Learning Skills; Compare Leading SEL Programs

Second Step Second Step is a program rooted in social-emotional learning (SEL) that helps transform schools into supportive, successful learning environments uniquely equipped to help children thrive.

Why Try Imagine if resilience was a learned trait – one that could be developed and increased by both teachers and students alike, allowing everyone in a school environment to access inner motivation in and beyond the classroom. Research has shown that resilience can be fostered and increased in adolescents – that they can learn skills to help them adapt and even thrive amidst tremendous challenges. WhyTry programs help you deliver these skills using an engaging, multisensory approach, which will transform your classroom or school climate and completely change the way your students view adversity. Multiple third-party studies have proven that our approach to resilience education works.

The Choose Love Enrichment ProgramTM is a no cost Pre-K through 12th grade social and emotional learning program that teaches educators and their students how to choose love in any circumstance and helps them become connected, resilient and empowered individuals.

UNM Health Science and Project ECHO provide a series of webinars and resources to engage schools in the tenants of Social and Emotional Learning. Access the series menu of webinars here.

R.I.S.E Being LIFE READY means with R.I.S.E you gain the grit and resilience to tackle and achieve their goals by demonstrating personal actualization skills of self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, responsible decision making, and relationship skills.
Social-emotional skills provide students with the perspective and flexibility necessary to function at a high level even when faced with uncertainty, change, pressure, stress, and other school and life challenges. Helping students develop greater social-emotional skills will not only help them in their professional lives but also will help them pursue happier and healthier personal lives

New Mexico PBS logoPBS Learning Media: Social and Emotional Learning and Teacher Support Collections to support teachers returning to school

Magdalena Saiz
Behavioral Health Program Coordinator

Page last updated February 25, 2025