State Complaint
Any individual or organization may file a State Complaint if they believe that a school, district, charter school, or PED violated federal or state special education requirements. When the PED receives a complaint, it assigns a complaint investigator to investigate, determine if a violation has occurred, and order corrective action if necessary. The PED investigator will review information and documentation related to the allegation(s), interview witnesses, and can conduct an on-site review as part of the investigation. The investigator issues a Complaint Resolution Report with findings of fact and conclusions. If the investigator finds violations, the Complaint Resolution Report will specify the corrective actions the school must take to comply with the law. This service is available at no cost to the parent. The parties have the option of participating in a mediation or a Facilitated IEP meeting to resolve the issues in the complaint prior to the issuance of a Complaint Resolution Report. State Complaints may be filed by completing the online state complaint form, or by emailing or mailing the completed State Complaint Form or another document that meets the minimum requirements to the Office of Special Education.
Relevant Forms and Resources
- File State Complaint Online
- State Complaint Parent Guide (PDF)
- State Complaint Form (Fillable PDF)
- State Complaint Form (Non Fillable PDF)
- Complaint Withdrawal Form (Fillable PDF)
- Complaint Withdrawal Form (Non Fillable PDF)
- State Complaint Overview (web, video)
- What to Expect After a State Complaint is Filed (web, video)
Queja del Estado
Cualquier persona u organización puede archivar/ingresar una Queja a Nivel Estatal si ellos creen que una escuela, distrito, escuela autónoma, o PED ha faltado/no ha cumplido con los requisitos de educación especial implementados a nivel estatal o federal. Cuando PED recibe una queja, asigna a un investigador para esa queja, este investiga, determina si ha habido alguna falta/incumplimiento, y ordena las acciones correctivas necesarias. El investigador de PED repasa la información y documentación relacionada a los alegatos, entrevistará testigos, y puede llevar a cabo un repaso allí mismo como parte de la investigación. El investigador gira entonces un Reporte de Resolución a la Queja con las conclusiones y las determinaciones de hecho. Si el investigador encuentra faltas/incumplimientos, el Reporte de Resolución a la Queja especificará las acciones correctivas que la escuela debe de implementar para cumplir con la ley. Este servicio está disponible sin costo alguno para los padres de familia. Las partes tienen la opción de participar en una mediación o en una junta de Facilitación IEP para resolver los asuntos presentados en la queja antes de que se gire el Reporte de Resolución de la Queja. Las Quejas a Nivel Estatal pueden ser archivadas/ingresadas/ pedidas por medio de llenar un formulario de petición en línea/Internet, o por medio de correo electrónico o también enviando por correo regular el Formulario para la Petición de una Queja Estatal otro documento que cumpla con los requisites mínimos de la Oficina de Educación Especial.
Formularios y recursos relevantes
- Presentar formulario de queja estatal en línea
- Guía Padres Quejas estatales (PDF)
- Formulario para una Queja Estatal (PDF Rellenable)
- Formulario para una Queja Estatal (PDF No Rellenable)
- Formulario de Retirada de una Queja Oficial (PDF Rellenable)
- Formulario de Retirada de una Queja Oficial (PDF No Rellenable)
- Resumen de las quejas estatales (web, vídeo)
- Qué esperar después de que se presente una queja estatal (web, vídeo)
State Complaint Resolution Reports
C2425-03 Socorro-Consolidated Schools
C2425-06 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2425-09 Clovis Municipal Schools
C2425-10 Mora Indpendent School District
C2425-11 Animas Public Schools
C2425-12 West Las Vegas School District
C2425-13 South Valley Preparatory School
C2425-15 Gallup McKinley County Schools
C2425-16 Roswell Independent Schools
C2425-18 West Las Vegas Public Schools
C2425-20 West Las Vegas Public Schools
C2425-23 West Las Vegas Public Schools
C2425-25 The Montessori Elementary and Middle School
C2425-26 MASTERS Program (The)
C2425-27 Bloomfield Public Schools
C2425-28 West Las Vegas Public Schools
C2425-29 Gadsden Independent School District
C2425-30 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2425-31 Carlsbad Municipal School District
C2324-02 Pojoaque Valley School District
C2324-04 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2324-05 Las Cruces Public Schools
C2324-06 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2324-08 Gadsden Independent School District
C2324-09 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2324-10 Cesar Chavez Community School
C2324-13 Santa Fe Public Schools
C2324-15 Farmington Municipal Schools
C2324-16 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2324-19 Rio Rancho Public Schools
C2324-21 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2324-22 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2324-23 Belen Consolidated Schools
C2324-25 Horizon Academy West
C2324-26 South Valley Preparatory School
C2324-27 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2324-28 Albuqueque Public Schools
C2324-29 Mora Independent School District
C2324-30 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2324-31 Rio Rancho Public Schools
C2324-32 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2324-33 Cuba Independent Schools
C2324-34 Las Cruces Public Schools
C2324-35 Rio Rancho Public Schools
C2324-43 Alamogordo Public Schools
C2324-44 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2324-45 The MASTERS Program
C2324-46 Clovis Municipal Schools
C2324-56 Alma d’Arte Charter High School
C2324-57 Los Lunas Public Schools
C2324-58 Los Alamos Public Schools
C2324-72 West Las Vegas School District
C2223-02 Alamogordo Public Schools
C2223-07 NMPED
C2223-08 Belen Consolidated Schools
C2223-10 Grants Cibola County Schools
C2223-11 Las Cruces Public Schools
C2223-12 Tularosa Municipal School District
C2223-13 Santa Fe Public Schools
C2223-14 Charter School
C2223-15 Gadsden Independent School District
C2223-16 Albuquerque School of Excellence
C2223-18 Hobbs Municipal Schools
C2223-20 Cuba Independent School District
C2223-21 Bloomfield School District
C2223-22 Santa Fe Public Schools
C2223-23 Los Alamos Public Schools
C2223-25 Animas Public Schools
C2223-26 Pojoaque Valley School District
C2223-27 Tucumcari Public Schools
C2223-28 Los Lunas Public Schools
C2223-29 Santa Fe Public Schools
C2223-31 Pecos Independent School District
C2223-32 Bloomfield School District
C2223-34 Estancia Municipal School District
C2223-36 Roswell Independent School District
C2223-38 Rio Rancho Public Schools
C2223-41 Taos Academy
C2223-42 Mission Achievement & Success Charter School
C2223-46 Mimbres School
C2223-47 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2223-48 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2223-50 Cobre Consolidated School District
C2223-51 Santa Fe Public Schools
C2122-03 Gadsden Independent School District
C2122-04 Santa Fe Public Schools
C2122-05 Ruidoso Municipal Schools
C2122-06 Pojoaque Valley Public Schools
C2122-07 Public School District
C2122-09 Gadsden Indep. School District
C2122-11 Las Vegas City Schools
C2122-14 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2122-15 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2122-17 San Diego Riverside Charter School and Jemez Valley Public Schools
C2122-18 NM Dept. of Corrections and NM Higher Ed. Dept
C2122-20 Farmington Municipal Schools
C2122-21 Hagerman Municipal Schools
C2122-23 Explore Academy
C2122-29 Espanola Public Schools
C2122-31 Gadsden Indep. School District
C2122-32 Turquoise Trail Charter School
C2122-33 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2122-34 Central Consolidated School District
C2122-35 Alamogordo Public Schools
C2021-03 State Charter School
C2021-04 Albuquerque Public Schools
C2021-05 Bloomfield School District
C2021-06 Gadsden Independent School District
C2021-08 Clovis Municipal Schools
C2021-11 (Student Only) Albuquerque Public Schools
C2021-11 (Systemic) Albuquerque Public Schools
C2021-16 Grant Cibola County Schools
C2021-18 Central Consolidated School District