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Excellence from Coaching in Literacy for Intensive Preparation in Special Education (ECLIPSE)

///Excellence from Coaching in Literacy for Intensive Preparation in Special Education (ECLIPSE)
Excellence from Coaching in Literacy for Intensive Preparation in Special Education (ECLIPSE) 2024-02-01T10:01:06-07:00

Program Focus

ECLIPSE is a New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED), Special Education Division (SED) program. It addresses the State Performance Plan Indicator 17, a federal component of the IDEA B under General Supervision. Indicator 17 is a results driven accountability requirement that applies to all Local Education Agencies. The purpose of ECLIPSE is to improve literacy for children with disabilities in grades Kindergarten through third grade.

Layers of Support

School teams (including K-3 Special education, their general education partners, and school principals) receive coaching and targeted assistance to support evidence-based practices including: the implementation of statewide Structured Literacy initiatives; teacher collaboration; data literacy; family engagement; and training in leadership observation, coaching, and feedback cycles.

Vision, Mission, Goals, and Values


All students with disabilities in New Mexico are engaged in high quality curriculum and instruction that lead to the development of lifelong literacy skills.


ECLIPSE collaborates with educators, communities, and families to ensure students with disabilities receive individualized and comprehensive literacy instruction with measurable results.


Increase the reading proficiency of students with disabilities in grades K-3, as measured by statewide standardized reading assessments.


We strive to be student-centered, collaborative, responsive, inclusive, and innovative.


ECLIPSE supports 77 schools, including 40 schools throughout New Mexico and 27 APS schools.


ECLIPSE Theory of Action and Logic Model
New Mexico SSIP Implementation Evaluation Plan


Matthew Kump 505-490-0830

Catherine Quick 505-470-9013

Page last updated February 1, 2024