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Parent Portal 2025-02-25T11:26:41-07:00

Dynamic Learning Maps is providing guidance on how instructionally embedded assessments may be used as a baseline measure to help teachers better understand their students’ instructional needs for the 2020-2021 school year (DLM)

Know Your Rights: A Guide for Families and Parents of Students Receiving Special Education Services (NMPED, February 8, 2021)

LEA Contact List has been updated (NMPED, July 16, 2021)

Special Education Early Childhood Evaluation Questions and Answers during COVID-19 (Q and A) (NMPED, September 30, 2020)

Dispute Resolution page

Dispute Resolution Options for Students with Disabilities (NMPED, October 5, 2020)

Opciones para resolucion de disputas para estudiantes con discapacidad (NMPED, October 5, 2020)

Resources supported by NMPED and OSEP

Additional Resources

Topic: Finding your way: The Transition From Part C to Part B

Start Time: Sep 29, 2020 09:58 AM
Meeting Recording
Access Passcode: 9Ss$V?&B”

NM-MSSA Spring 2020 Mathematics & ELA Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual (NMPED)

Office of Special Education Funded TA Center COVID-19 Resources (PDF) (USDE-OSEP)

US Department of Education Final Title IX Regulation (USDE)

FAQ Supporting Early Childhood Special Education Programs (619) during COVID-19 School Closures (PDF) (NMPED, April 28, 2020)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Providing a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) through a Distance Learning Platform during a Closure to Normal School Operations due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic 2020 (PDF) (NMPED, April 1, 2020)

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Supplemental Fact Sheet Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with Disabilities (PDF) (OSEP: March 21, 2020)

ABLE New Mexico

Medically Fragile Case Management Program | UNM Health

Coronavirus Information

OSERS/OSEP will continue to work with state and local leaders to identify any additional areas where it can provide information to support stakeholders in their important work.

For more information about COVID-19, please visit:

ED COVID-19 Information and Resources

U.S. Government COVID-19 Information and Resources

Dear State Directors and Part C Coordinators,

OSEP realizes that you are conducting business during unprecedented times, facing many challenges while serving infants, toddlers, and students with disabilities and their families during the pandemic. In order to determine the best ways to support you as you perform this work, we have embarked on a special initiative. Over the next few weeks, OSEP will review all publicly available COVID-19 State Plans, guidance documents, FAQs, etc. that describe early intervention and special education services under the pandemic. The purpose of this review is for OSEP to get a sense of the range of evaluation, service provision, and transition options that States have employed to meet the needs of young children and students with disabilities so that we may better craft the universal technical assistance (TA) and supports that we offer you.

As you know, we recently shared DMS 2.0, our new framework for providing differentiated monitoring and support. Inherent in that model is OSEP’s ability to continue to offer universal TA to all States in response to emerging needs. This initiative is just one of many efforts we will undertake to assist you as you navigate the challenges imposed by the pandemic.

We will reach out to you directly should we have further questions or need additional clarification on any of the information we review through this process. While the focus of this work is designed to inform our TA activities, there may be instances where we discover policies or procedures that are in direct conflict with IDEA. In those circumstances, we will inform you so that you can take immediate action to achieve compliance.

As a reminder, OSEP has issued multiple Q & A documents related to COVID-19 and the implementation of IDEA under this pandemic. Additional Department of Education guidance specific to the COVID-19 pandemic may be found online at We will continue to update these pages as more information and resources become available.

Page last updated February 25, 2025