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Title IV-Part A

Title IV-Part A 2025-02-25T11:04:16-07:00

Students on bench, reading

Title IV Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment

Title IV, Part A is a U.S. Department of Education grant program authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) which provides supplemental funding to help support student academic achievement and enrichment. This grant, also referred to as SSAE, Student Support and Academic Enrichment, awards Title IV, Part A funds to state educational agencies (SEAs), which then sub-grant funds to local education agencies (LEAs). Title IV, Part A program, may be referred to as “T4A”

Title IV Part A, Subpart 1 authorizes the expense of federal funds to support students and schools in three domains:

  1. Well-rounded education
  2. Safe and healthy students
  3. Effective use of technology

The SSAE is apportioned to states, districts, and state-chartered charter schools based on the number of students from low-socioeconomic status.

LEAs and consortia may apply for funds to support activities in one or in multiple domains, and grant funds have a life of 27 months. LEA and consortia applications must prioritize schools for Title IV support with the greatest demonstrated need.

Title IV funds are supplementary and may not supplant state and local funds. The three traditional assumptions of supplanting apply to Title IV funds, and supplement not supplant is considered on a cost-by-cost basis. There is an assumption of supplanting if

  1. the expense was paid for by state or local funds previously
  2. the expense is paid for by state and local funds at schools not receiving Title IV funds
  3. the expense is a legal requirement

Providing equitable services for private school students is a Title IV Part A requirement. Funds for equitable services are calculated in a similar fashion to Title I Part A. Title IV grant recipients are required to provide equitable services based on enrollment of impoverished students at Title IV schools and of impoverished students at private non-profit schools who live in the attendance area of a Title IV school.

LEA’s receiving more than $30,000 in Title IV funds are required to complete a comprehensive needs assessment and to update the needs assessment every three years.

The Title IV application must be completed through consultation with stakeholders including: parents, teachers, principals, other school leaders, specialized instructional support personnel, students, community-based organizations, local government representatives (which may include law enforcement, juvenile court, child welfare agencies, or public housing agencies), Indian tribes as appropriate, charter school teachers, principals and other school leaders as appropriate, and other experts. Continued consultation is required throughout the project to improve Title IV services.

For more information and guidance for designing programming as it relates to Title IV Part A, enroll in the “Resources for Title Programs” Canvas Course. See this FLYER for directions on how to enroll in the Canvas course.

Also check out the Title IV Coordinator’s PADLET for resources.

Announcement of Use of Funds for Archery and Hunting Programs

The Administration strongly supported amending the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to clarify that schools that wish to offer archery and hunting programs may use ESEA funds to support them. On October 6, 2023, President Biden signed into law a bipartisan bill amending section 8526 regarding use of ESEA funds for the provision of, and training in, dangerous weapons (as defined in section 930(g)(2) of title 18 of the United States Code). Specifically, section 8526 now clarifies that the prohibition does not apply to the use of ESEA funds for activities that are carried out under ESEA programs and that are otherwise permissible, and that “provide students with educational instruction or educational enrichment activities, such as archery, hunting, other shooting sports, or culinary arts.”

Please contact your Department of Education program officer with any questions.

Application Resources

Guide to Completing the Application

NM Title IV Guidance

2024-2025 Title IV Part A, Planning Awards

Title IV Part A Monitoring & Evaluation Form

Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Indirect Cost Rates

Survey for a Needs Assessment

Forms for T4A

Amendment Form for the T4A Application

Equipment Form

BAR Justification Form–Federal Programs

Documentation Guide for RFRs and BARs


2023-2024 NM State Report on Student Support and Academic Enrichment

2022-2023 NM State Report on Student Support and Academic Enrichment

2020-2021 NM State Report on Student Support and Academic Enrichment

2019-2020 NM State Report on Student Support and Academic Enrichment

2018-2019 NM State Report on Student Support and Academic Enrichment

2017-2018 NM State Report on Student Support and Academic Enrichment

Page last updated February 25, 2025