2018-2019 Stat Book
2017-2018 Actual | 2018-2019 Estimated
Updates made regularly
The Stat Book for 2017-2018 Actual | 2018-2019 Estimated is currently being prepared by the School Budget office. Documents will be posted as they become available.
Stat Book Cover
Table of Contents
New Mexico School District Map
PED Commission and Personnel
Title Page
Section A:
State Ranking, School Districts, and Superintendent Information
New Mexico Ranking Among States
New Mexico’s 89 School Districts (PDF)
New Mexico’s 89 School Districts (Excel)
Names of School Districts, Superintendents, and Telephone Numbers (PDF)
Names of School Districts, Superintendents, and Telephone Numbers (Excel)
History of the Number of School Districts in the State (PDF)
History of the Number of School Districts in the State (Excel)
History of the Number of Charter Schools in the State (PDF)
History of the Number of Charter Schools in the State (Excel)
History of the Number of State Supported Schools (PDF)
History of the Number of State Supported Schools (Excel)
Section B:
Membership, Program Units, and Enrollment Data
State Membership
Statewide Final Funded Membership by Grade
Membership, Program Units, Program Dollars
History of the Unit Value
Comparison of Program Cost Per Membership Actual to Budgeted
Ratio of Operating Budget Membership to Program Units
Student Membership & Enrollment (graph)
Growth in Special Education
Section C:
Actual Receipts, Expenditures, and Cash Balance Receipts
Actual Revenues (All Funds) (PDF)
Actual Revenues (All Funds) (Excel)
Appropriations and Distributions
State Appropriations to Public Schools, Ten-Year Comparison
Actual Receipts (Pie Charts)
Expenditures and Cash Balance:
Expenditures by Object Code (Concealed data) (PDF)
Expenditures by Object Code (Concealed data) (Excel)
Expenditures by Object Code (Detailed data) (Excel)
Operational Expenditures by Function / Subfunction (PDF)
Operational Expenditures by Function / Subfunction (Excel)
Operational Expenditures per Pupil, by School Size (PDF)
Operational Expenditures per Pupil, by School Size (Excel)
Net Operational Expenditures per Pupil (PDF)
Net Operational Expenditures per Pupil (Excel)
Operational Fund Budgeted Cash Balances as of June 30
Section D:
Appropriations and Operating Budget
Public School Support and Other Appropriations
Recurring General Fund Appropriations (pie charts)
Operating Budget Estimated Revenues, all funds (PDF)
Operating Budget Estimated Revenues, all funds (Excel)
Budgeted Revenue (pie charts)
Operating Budget Estimated Expenditures (Excel)
Reconciliation of Estimated Funding Sources and Uses
Operating Budget Program Cost as a Percentage of Operational Budget and Grand Total
Section E:
Capital Improvements, Assessed Valuations and Bonded Indebtedness
Public School Capital Improvements Act (SB9), Projected Needs (PDF)
Public School Capital Improvements Act (SB9), Projected Needs (Excel)
Public School Capital Improvements Act (SB9), Funding History (PDF)
Public School Capital Improvements Act (SB9), Funding History (Excel)
Comparison of Assessed Valuations (PDF)
Comparison of Assessed Valuations (Excel)
District Tax Rates, Operating Budget (PDF)
District Tax Rates, Operating Budget (Excel)
Bonded Debt by District as of June 30 (PDF)
Bonded Debt by District as of June 30 (Excel)
Section F:
Salaries and Personnel
Average Returning Teacher Salaries: Estimated Actual to Budgeted, Ranked by Salary (PDF)
Average Returning Teacher Salaries: Estimated Actual to Budgeted, Ranked by Salary (Excel)
Average Returning Teacher Salaries: Grouped by District Size, Ranked by Salary (PDF)
Average Returning Teacher Salaries: Grouped by District Size, Ranked by Salary (Excel)
Number of Returning Teachers by Salary Range, Operating Budgets (PDF)
Number of Returning Teachers by Salary Range, Operating Budgets (Excel)
Selected Salaries on Instructional Salary Schedules (PDF)
Selected Salaries on Instructional Salary Schedules (Excel)
Average Teacher Salary (Excel)
School District Ranking by Average Teacher Salary and Other Information (PDF)
School District Ranking by Average Teacher Salary and Other Information (Excel)
Certified Personnel Average Salaries by School Size (Operational) (PDF)
Certified Personnel Average Salaries by School Size (Operational) (Excel)
Superintendent Salaries: Estimated Actual to Budgeted, Ranked by Salary (PDF)
Superintendent Salaries: Estimated Actual to Budgeted, Ranked by Salary (Excel)
Average Salaries for Personnel Other Than Classroom Teachers: Estimated Actual to Budgeted (PDF)
Average Salaries for Personnel Other Than Classroom Teachers: Estimated Actual to Budgeted (Excel)
Salary Changes for Personnel Other Than Classroom Teachers: Estimated Actual to Budgeted (PDF)
Salary Changes for Personnel Other Than Classroom Teachers: Estimated Actual to Budgeted (Excel)
Non-certified Personnel Average Salaries by School Size (Operational) (PDF)
Non-certified Personnel Average Salaries by School Size (Operational) (Excel)
Operating Budget Salaries and Benefits as a Percent of Net Operational (PDF)
Operating Budget Salaries and Benefits as a Percent of Net Operational (Excel)
Operating Budget Salaries and Benefits as a Percent of Total Operational (PDF)
Operating Budget Salaries and Benefits as a Percent of Total Operational (Excel)
Personnel Changes by Category, Estimated Actual to Budgeted (PDF)
Personnel Changes by Category, Estimated Actual to Budgeted (Excel)
Change in Personnel
Operating Budget to Actual;
Operating Budget to Operating Budget
Ratio of Teachers to Administrators Actual to Operating Budget
Ratio of Students to Selected Staff Operating Budget
Total Number of Federal Employees (PDF)
Total Number of Federal Employees (Excel)