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Amendments and Notifications

Amendments and Notifications 2025-02-25T10:44:11-07:00

If the governing board of a school chartered by the Public Education Commission (PEC) wishes to amend the terms of the contract during the contract term, it must submit one of the amendment request forms below. The requested amendment cannot take effect until the PEC has voted to approve it at a public meeting.

Notifications are to inform the PEC of changes in key personnel or other changes that are not material terms of the contract. Notifications are generally placed on the PEC’s consent agenda rather than as individual agenda items, though any item on the consent agenda may be pulled from that agenda to the regular agenda for discussion by the PEC.

Each form consists of an instructions page, which includes the deadline, PEC guidance, and all requirements for submission, followed by the form itself with “click to enter” check boxes and text boxes. Here is a step by step training on Amendments and Notifications. If you have any additional questions about the forms please send an email to

Once completed, the form should be signed and submitted with all required attachments to If the form and all attachments are submitted within the deadline listed in the form, the request will be placed on the next PEC agenda. Otherwise it will be placed on the subsequent month’s agenda.

Amendment Request Forms

A.1 Name Change Mission Statement Amendment Form

A.2 Educational Program Amendment Form

A.3 Grade Level Change Amendment Form

A.4 Enrollment Cap Amendment Form

A.5 School-Specific Goal Amendment Form

A.6 Non-Profit Foundation or Partnership Amendment Form

A.7 School Relocation Amendment Form

A.8 Additional Square Footage Amendment Form

A.9 Separate Facility Amendment Form

A.10 Discretionary Waiver Amendment Form

Notification Forms

B.1 Personnel Change Notification Form

B.1.a Affidavit of Financial Record Custodian

B.2 Governing Body Member Change Notification Form Revised 9.6.23

B.2.a Affidavit of Governing Body Member

B.2.b Assurances

B.2.c Statement of Governing Body to Consult with PED

B.3 Lottery and Enrollment Notification

B.4 Governing Body By-Laws Notification Form

B.5 Pre-K Early Childhood Program Notification Form

B.6 Lease Terms or Facility Ownership Notification Form

B.7 Foundation Membership Notification Form

If you do not see the appropriate policy above, please contact for support.


Page last updated February 25, 2025