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School Enrollment Template 2025-02-21T15:12:01-07:00


Data Submission Schedule: 40 Day, 80 Day, 120 Day, End of Year (EOY), and Summer

Grain: One record per district / location / school year / student / “mobility transaction”

Load Sequences/Dependencies:

  1. Student

Template Description – This template contains the student enrollment and withdrawal transactions at each school within each district across the school year. This template tracks student Mobility and the new Graduation Cohort rate as required by the USDE. Enrollment codes are also used to develop the list of potential dropouts for the subsequent school year’s Dropout Data Collection & Reporting system (DDCS). Submit all enrollment/mobility actions for all students throughout the school year, not just students active at the end of the year. At least one record should exist in this template for every student enrolled in a school within the same district or in a different district at any time during the school year.  For purposes of analysis, most of your students will be coded with an Enrollment Code of E1. (E1’s are students who are in school for the first time during the current school year regardless of start date).

School Year 2019-2020 Changes:  

  • No Changes

File Name Format Example:  001_SCHOOL_ENROLL_201907071201.csv

Field Number Field Name Data Type, Required, Code Valid Values
1 District Code Character, Required, Key
2 Location Code Character, Required, Updateable
3 School Year Date Date, Required, Key
  • 2019-06-30 = SY18-19
  • 2020-06-30 = SY19-20
4 Student ID Character, Required, Key 9 digit student ID
6 Enrollment Date Date, Required, Key YYYY-MM-DD
7 Enrollment Code Character, Required, Key

  • E1 = Enroll: Initial enrollment for current school year any school – Student enrolled at this school for the first time during the current school year including a student who attended this same school the last school year and returns this school year; student who has NOT been enrolled anywhere else in the U.S. during the current school year.  This student is in school for the first time during this school year regardless of start date.  Includes students who are pre-enrolled, rollovers or continuing / transition IEPs.  (Not for use for students entering from BIE schools.  Use E3.)
  • E2 = Enroll: Initial enrollment for current school year in this school  – Student who has been enrolled in school this current school year in another state, private school, home school or transfer in from a state-supported school. Registration for school can be at any time during the year. (Not for use for students entering from BIE schools.  Use E3.)
  • E3 = Enroll: Previously enrolled in BIE school – Student who enrolls in NM Public schools for the first time during the current school year from a BIE school. Registration for New Mexico public school can occur at any time during the school year.
  • R1 = Enroll: Transfer within district – Student that transfers from one school to another school (including district charters) in same district during the current school year.
  • R2 = Enroll: Transfer from outside district – Student who moves from a school district or charter school in a different district in New Mexico into your district after school starts – does not include transfers to or from your district charter schools.
  • R3 = Enroll: Previously dropped from enrollment – Student previously dropped from school for any reason other than transfer to another school or district and later returns to your school site without attending school elsewhere during this school year (student was previously an E1, R1 or R2). This includes students who were rollovers (E1) and then No Shows (W3) and re-enrolled without having attended school elsewhere.
  • W1 = Withdrawal: Student has transferred out to another PED District or State Charter.
  • W2 = Withdrawal: Absent 10 days – A student that has been absent for ten (10) consecutive days must be dropped from the rolls. These may include truants and habitual truants provided the school district has intervened according to their retention and truancy policy as provided in Section 22-12-9 NMSA 1978.
  • W4 = Withdrawal: GED – Student exits to a non-diploma granting education setting such as vocational or GED program.
  • W5 = Detained – Student is detained in a court-ordered facility, such as out-of-state jail, expulsion or out-of-school suspension greater than 6 months – does NOT include New Mexico Corrections.
  • W6 = Withdrawal: Left U.S. – Student emigrated or moved outside of US or US territories; does not include temporary military assignment or studying abroad as US exchange student.
  • W7 = Withdrawal: Pregnancy – Student exited school due to pregnancy (applies to either female or male student).
  • W8 = Withdrawal: Transfer out – Student who withdraws to a potential diploma-granting, non-PED school. This includes a private or BIE school that grants a standard diploma recognized by the State of New Mexico. The school may be in or out of state.  Use this code also for students who moved out of New Mexico within US or US territories or who are studying abroad as US exchange students.  Does not include Home Schooled.
  • W9 = Withdrawal: Immunization – Student dis-enrolled due to failure to provide satisfactory evidence of 1) commencement of immunization OR 2) completion of immunization.
  • W10 = Moved out of state.  Use this code for students who moved out of New Mexico or who are studying abroad as US exchange students.  Does not include Home Schooled.
  • W81 = Withdrawal: Home School – Use this code for students withdrawing to be Home-Schooled
  • WD = Withdrawal: Death.
  • WDO = Drop-out – Student is known to have dropped out of school.
  • WG = Withdrawal: Graduate – Graduated with a standard diploma (required for early graduates and optional for EOY graduates). Does not include certificates of completion.   Diploma Type Code must equal 1.
  • WC = Withdrawal: Completion – Student in regular education only who completed coursework required to graduate but did not pass the HSCE.  Required for early completers and optional for EOY completers. Diploma  type code must equal 2.
  • D1 = Disregard: Submitted in error – Student Template record was submitted in error. Must be submitted prior to student’s inactivation.
  • D2 = Disregard: Incorrect Student ID – Student is enrolled under a different STATE ID.  Must be submitted prior to student’s inactivation.

Page last updated February 21, 2025