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2018 NM STEM Symposium

2018 NM STEM Symposium 2025-02-25T09:48:04-07:00

Friday, June 1, 2018

Session I

1. We Have to Talk
 Bernadine Cotton, Las Cruces Public School

2. Mystery Models and More: Infusing Computational Thinking Across the Content Areas
Stephanie Beauregard and Michelle Altimirano, Project Growing Up Thinking Scientifically (GUTS)

6. Real World Math for Middle School with PBS Learning Media
Laurel Wyckoff and Rose Poston, New Mexico Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

9. Using Principles to Action to Support the Science & Engineering Practices
Karen Delay and Ada Vasquez, Rio Rancho Public Schools

10. Introduction to the NM STEM Ready! Science Standards — Taming the Fear Factor
Ellen Loehman and Deb Thrall, New Mexico Science Teachers’ Association (NMSTA); Marcia Barton, New Mexico Public Education Department (NM PED) Math and Science Bureau

Session II

13. Making Sense of Student Work: Using Formative Assessments as a Lens into Student Thinking
Christy Krenek, Santa Fe Public Schools and Tomas Atencio-Pacheco, South Valley Academy

15. Desert Stories: Integrating Science, Math, and Language Arts in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade Programs about Desert Plants and Animals
Stephanie Bestelmeyer and Ryan Pemberton, Asombro Institute for Science Education

16. Breaking Chocolate: Engaging Science and Engineering Concepts
Hy Tran, Sandia National Laboratories and Turtle Haste, Albuquerque Public Schools

19. Integrating Mathematics and Science Practices in the Grades K–2 Classroom
Lisa Matthews and Wanda Bulger-Tamez, Mathematically Connected Communities, New Mexico State University

20. NM STEM Ready! Science — 3-Dimensional Learning
Carina Berard, Las Cruces Public Schools

21. Serving English Learners with the NM STEM Ready! Science Standards
Mayra Valtierrez, NM PED, Language and Culture Bureau

Session III

22. Scale Up Your STEM
Aleli Colon, Albuquerque Public Schools and Kim Scheerer, New Mexico Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (NM MESA Inc.)

23. Computational Thinking Across the Curriculum
Paige Prescott, Computer Science Teachers Association – New Mexico (CSTA-NM)

24. Introduction to the NM STEM Ready! Science Standards — Taming the Fear Factor
Ellen Loehman and Deb Thrall, NMSTA; Marcia Barton, NM PED Math and Science Bureau

25. STEM Integration for Literacy in Grades K–2
Amy Chevalier, Albuquerque Public Schools

26. Egg-gineering Drop – Adding Engineering Design, Math, and Language Arts to a Physics Lesson
Tina Hansen and Jodene Romero, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) NM STEM Outreach

27. Story-Based Engineering
Kelsey Moore and Nicole Delgado, STEM Outreach Center

28. Balancing Content Areas
Catherine Praiswater, Professional Trainer and Literacy Coach

30. Writing in the Mathematics Classroom
Lorenzo Gonzales, Los Alamos National Laboratory Math and Science Academy and Mia Toya, Jemez Day School

Session IV

34. Innovation + Integration = The Supercomputing Challenge
Patty Meyer and Karen Glennon, Supercomputing Challenge.

36. Challenger Learning Center Virtual STEM Missions
Norm Jensen and Kathleen Guitar, Las Cruces Public Schools

  • Powerpoint

38. Hands-On Math Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond
Anthony Salvagno and Andres Barrera Guerrero, ¡Explora! Museum

39. Integrating Content to Create Problem-Solving Opportunities
Tammy Hernandez, New Mexico Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NMCTM) and Celia Miller, North Valley Academy

40. Using Principles to Action to Support the Science & Engineering Practices
Karen Delay and Ada Vasquez, Rio Rancho Public Schools

41. Environmental Education in Today’s Classrooms: Resources and Opportunities for Impact
Shannon Whitney, Environmental Education Association of New Mexico (EEANM)

44. Integrating Mathematics and Science Practices in the Grades K–2 Classroom
Lisa Matthews and Wanda Bulger-Tamez, Mathematically Connected Communities, New Mexico State University

45. Opening Doors to Careers in STEM
Barbara Eichhorst, NM PED, College and Career Readiness Bureau

46. Preparing for the New Mexico STEM Ready! Science Assessment
Gabriel Martinez and Kimber Sanchez, NM PED, Assessment and Accountability Bureau

  • Powerpoint
Page last updated February 25, 2025