FY 24-25 Final Awards
FY 24-25 Planning Awards
- 24101 Title I
- 24103 Migrant Education
- 24106 IDEA-B Entitlement
- 24109 IDEA-B Preschool
- 24118 USDA FF&V
- 24119 21st Century Community Learning Center Programs
- 24123 N & D
- 24153 Title III English Language Acquisition
- 24154 Title II
- 24160 RLIS
- 24163 Title III Immigrant Programs
- 24174 Carl D. Perkins Secondary
- 24176 Carl D. Perkins Redistribution Secondary
- 24177 Carl D. Perkins Post Secondary
- 24179 Carl D. Perkins Redistribution Post Secondary
- 24183 USDA Equipment Assistance
- 24189 Title IV
- 24190 CSI
- 24198 CTE Non-Trad
- 27416 Out of School Time
- 27502 CTE
- 27503 Before and After School Programming Middle Schools @ APS
- 27512 High Dosage Tutoring
- 27528 Community School
- 27533 Near Peer Tutoring
- 27536 Transportation Summer Reading Program
- 27548 Program Services and Resources for STEM
- 27551 Teacher Compensation Related to Math
- 27552 CTE Innovation Zone
- 27901 Improving Educational & Cultural Outcomes
- 27902 Indigenous Language Fellows
- 27903 Native American Community Based Immersion Schools PreK-12
- 27905 Native American Language Immersion Programs
- 27906 Indigenous Education Initiative
- 24101 Title I
- 24109 Idea-B Preschool
- 24113 Homeless Education
- 24118 USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
- 24123 N & D
- 24153 Title III
- 24154 Title II
- 24163 Title III Immigrant
- 24176/24179 Perkins Redistribution
- 24174 Perkins-Secondary Institutions
- 24177 Perkins-Post Secondary Institutions
- 24183 USDA Equipment Assistance Grant
- 24189 Title IV
- 24190 CSI
- 24194 CLSD
- 27109 Instructional Materials Special Appropriation
- 27126 Community Schools Planning Grant
- 27127 Community Schools Implementation
- 27183 NM Grown FFV
- 27202 Open Science Ed Expansion Initiative
- 27407 Family Income Index
- 27416 Out of School Time
- 27553 Out of School Time Program
- 27502 NextGen
- 27554 After School Programs (Out of School Time)
- 27568 Classroom Extension
- 27569 CTE Junior Bill
- 27570 CTE Junior Bill
- 27571 CTE Junior Bill
- 27572 CTE Junior Bill
- 27573 CTE Junior Bill
- 27574 CTE Junior Bill
- 27575 Bilingual Education
- 27584 Attendance Success Initiative
- 27901 Improving Educational & Cultural Outcomes
- 27902 Native American Language Fellows
- 27903 Native American Community-Based Immersion Schools PreK-12
- 27905 Native American Language Program
- 27906 Indigenous Education Initiative
- 24101 Title I
- 24103 Migrant Education
- 24106 IDEA-B
- 24106 IDEA-B
- 24109 IDEA-B Preschool
- 13000 Transportation
- 24101 Title I
- 24103 Migrant Education
- 24106 IDEA-B
- 24109 IDEA-B Preschool
- 24113 Homeless Education
- 24118 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
- 24123 Neglected & Delinquent
- 24153 Title III
- 24154 Title II
- 24163 Title III Immigrant
- 24171 through 24180 Carl Perkins
- 24189 Title IV
- 24194 Comprehensive State Literacy Development (CSLD)
- 27127 Community Schools-Implementation
- 27149 Pre-K
- 27155 Elementary Breakfast
- 27183 NM Grown
- 27201 Reduced Meal Copay
- 27406 K5 Plus Pilot
- 27502 Nex Gen CTE
- 31703 SB-9
- 13000 Transportation
- 24101 Title I
- 24103 Migrant Education
- 24106 IDEA-B
- 24109 IDEA-B Preschool
- 24113 Homeless Education
- 24118 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
- 24123 Neglected & Delinquent
- 24124 1003G School Improvement
- 24145 Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL)
- 24146 Charter Schools
- 24153 Title III
- 24154 Title II Part A
- 24163 Title III Immigrant
- 24171 through 24177 Carl Perkins
- 24183 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
- 24189 Title IV
- 24191 School Improvement – HS Redesign
- 24194 Comprehensive State Literacy Development (CSLD)
- 24350 ARPA_ESSERIII_Homeless Children & Youth
- 27126 Community Schools-Planning
- 27127 Community Schools-Implementation
- 27149 Pre-K
- 27150 Indian Education Act
- 27199 Indigenous Education Initiatives
- 27202 Open Sci Ed Expansion Initiative
- 27502 Nex Gen CTE
- 31703 SB-9
- 24101 Title I
- 24103 Migrant Education
- 24106 IDEA-B
- 24109 IDEA-B Preschool
- 24113 Homeless Education
- 24123 Neglected and Delinquent
- 24124 1003G School Improvement
- 24145 Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL)
- 24146 Charter Schools
- 24153 Title III
- 24154 Title II
- 24163 Title III Immigrant
- 24171 through 24179 Carl Perkins
- 24189 Title IV
- 24190 School Improvement – (CSI) Comprehensive Support and Improvement
- 24191 School Improvement – HS Redesign
- 24194 Comprehensive State Literacy Development (CSLD)
- 24301 CARES Act, ESSER
- 24303 CARES Act, SEA Reserve
- 24306 CARES Act/Geer – Hepa Filters
- 24307 CARES Act/ESSER I/Social Emotional Learning
- 24309 CRRSA/ESSER II/Social Emotional Learning
- 24310 CRRSA_ESSERII SEA Reserve
- 24312 CRRSA_ESSER II_Retention Stipends
- 27127 Community Schools Implementation
- 27130 Feminine Hygiene
- 27149 Pre-K
- 27149 Pre-K 2nd Round
- 27183 NM Grown FFV
- 13000 Transportation
- 24101 Title I
- 24103 Migrant Education
- 24106 IDEA-B
- 24109 IDEA-B Preschool
- 24113 Homeless Education
- 24123 Neglected and Delinquent
- 24124 1003G School Improvement
- 24145 Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL)
- 24146 Charter Schools
- 24153 Title III
- 24154 Title II
- 24163 Title III Immigrant
- 24171 through 24177 Carl Perkins
- 24189 Title IV
- 24190 School Improvement – (CSI) Comprehensive Support and Improvement
- 24191 School Improvement – HS Redesign
- 24194 Comprehensive State Literacy Development (CSLD)
- 24301 CARES Act, ESSER
- 24303 CARES Act, SEA Reserve
- 24305 CARES Act, Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund
- 24308 Coronavirus Response & Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act
- 27127 Community Schools Implementation
- 27130 Feminine Hygiene
- 27149 Pre-K
- 27149 Pre-K 2nd Round
- 27183 NM Grown FFV
- 13000 Transportation
- 24101 Title I
- 24103 Migrant Education
- 24106 IDEA-B
- 24109 IDEA-B Preschool
- 24113 Homeless Education
- 24123 Neglected and Delinquent
- 24132 RAMS (Previously RDA)
- 24145 Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy
- 24153 Title III
- 24154 Title II
- 24154 Title II
- 24160 Rural and Low Income
- 24163 Title III Immigrant
- 24171 through 24177 Carl Perkins
- 24189 Title IV
- 24190 School Improvement – (CSI) Comprehensive Support and Improvement
- 24191 School Improvement – HS Redesign
- 24193 Title I Direct Student Services
- 24301 CARES Act, ESSER
- Instructional Material Final Allocation 2019-20 Memo
- Instructional Materials Final Allocation 2019-20
- 24101 Title I
- 24103 Migrant Education
- 24106 IDEA-B
- 24109 IDEA-B Preschool
- 24113 Homeless Education
- 24123 Neglected and Delinquent
- 24132 RAMS (Previously RDA)
- 24145 Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy
- 24153 Title III
- 24154 Title II
- 24163 Title III Immigrant
- 24171 through 24177 Carl Perkins
- 24189 Title IV
- 24190 School Improvement – (CSI) Comprehensive Support and Improvement
- 24191 School Improvement – HS Redesign
- 24193 Title I Direct Student Services
- 24301 CARES Act, ESSER
- 27109 Instructional Materials
- 27130 Feminine Hygiene
- 27149 Pre-K
- 27149 Pre-K 2nd Round
- 2019-20 Transportation Allocations (13000)
- K-3 Plus 4-5 Pilot Program
- K-3 Plus Program
- K-5 Plus FY 2020 Program
- Extended Learning Time Program
- 24160 FY18 Rural and Low Income
- 17-18 Breakfast After the Bell Final Allocation
- 17-18 24717 Carl Perkins Reserve & 24180 Carl Perkins High School Final Awards
- FY2017-2018 Instructional Material Final Allocation Final
- Perkins 2016-17 Redistribution Allocations 2 26 18
- 24101 Title I
- 27103 Dual Credit Instructional Material
- 24106 IDEA-B
- 24109 IDEA-B Preschool
- SY 2018-2019 Direct Student Service Awards
- FY 2018-2019 Reads to Lead Pathway
- FY2018-2019 Instructional Material Initial Allocation
- FY2018-2019 Transportation Allocation
- 24171 through 24180 Carl Perkins
- 24101 Title I
- 24103 Migrant Education
- 24106 IDEA-B
- 24109 IDEA-B Preschool
- 24118 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
- 24119 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- 24153 Title III
- 24154 Title II
- 24190, 24191, 24192, School Improvement Grant (CSI-HS Redesign-MRI)
- 27141 Attendance Success Initiative (AKA Truancy)
- 27155 Breakfast after the Bell (Elementary Breakfast)