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Bilingual Education 2024-07-12T09:10:33-06:00

Beginning Teacher Pathway

Definition: Beginning Teacher – a teacher who has not completed a teacher program (they hold an alternative license).

Beginning teachers adding the endorsement to an initial license must satisfy the requirements for the license which include:

  •  24-36 semester hours in bilingual education and pass Prueba

Teacher with Existing License Pathway

Definition: Existing Teacher – a teacher who has completed a teacher program (standard or alternative).

Teachers seeking to add the endorsement to an existing NM license at any level must:

  • Complete 12 semester hours in the teaching of bilingual education and pass Prueba

Note:  Persons who hold a licensure endorsement in teaching English as a second language (TESOL) on an existing New Mexico teaching license may add an endorsement in bilingual education by passing Prueba and completing at least 6 semester hours in the teaching of bilingual education.


Click here to access Prueba de Español information

BMEP Endorsement Waiver

To apply or get information about BMEP Endorsement Waivers, please contact the district/charter school BMEP Director.

Accepted Bilingual Coursework

  • Culture (history of the Southwest, literature of the Southwest, education across cultures, etc.)
  • Instructional methodology of bilingual education
  • Instructional methodology of English language development (ELD)
  • Language other than English
  • Parent/community involvement

New Mexico Administrative Code

Bilingual Education NMAC






Page last updated July 12, 2024