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Computer Science 2025-02-24T14:13:56-07:00

Teacher with Existing License Pathway

Definition: Existing Teacher – a teacher who has completed a teacher program (standard or alternative).

Teachers seeking a secondary computer science endorsement shall:

  •             Hold a teaching license in secondary education as provided by 6.61.4 NMAC; and
  •             Complete one of the following pathways:

                                (a)           earn 15 postsecondary course credit hours in computer science coursework; or

                                (b)           pass the department-approved teacher licensure exam for computer science (5652) or an approved comparable licensure test from another state; or

                                (c)           possess a minimum of two years of work experience in an industry related to computer science, which the applicant must validate using a verifiable list of references; or

                                (d)           possess an industry certification in a field related to computer science, which the applicant must validate using official documentation of the industry certification; or

                                (e)           prior to January 1, 2025, have completed 60 hours of professional development within the three years immediately prior to applying for a computer science endorsement, which the applicant must validate using documentation from the organization that provided the professional development, including the number of hours of each training; or

                                (f)           prior to January 1, 2025, possess three or more years of computer science teaching experience including computer coding program structure in one or more languages, debugging computer programs, computer modeling and skills relevant to applications such as data management, graphics, and text processing, which the applicant must validate with a letter signed by a school district administrator, charter school administrator, or secondary school principal.

New Mexico Administrative Code

Computer Science NMAC


Page last updated February 24, 2025