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Native American Language and Culture Certificate (Pre K-12)

////Native American Language and Culture Certificate (Pre K-12)
Native American Language and Culture Certificate (Pre K-12) 2025-02-24T14:34:09-07:00

A Native American Language and Culture certificate authorizes individuals to teach the native language and cultures of specific tribes and pueblos in any grade K through 12.

Initial License

  • $50 (non-refundable) fee; and
  • Initial Application via NMPED Online Licensure Portal; and
  • Verification from the tribe or pueblo authority that the candidate meets the standards and criteria for competence and language proficiency to teach the language and culture of the particular tribe or pueblo (Must be on tribal letterhead); and
  • Register for background/fingerprints for “Teacher Licensure.”


Renewal License

  • $50 (non-refundable) fee; and
  • Renewal Application via NMPED Online Licensure Portal; and
  • Superintendent‘s Recommendation Form (must be on School District Letterhead); and
  • Verification from the tribe or pueblo authority that the candidate meets the standards and criteria for competence and language proficiency to continue to teach the language and culture of the particular tribe or pueblo (Must be on tribal letterhead).
    • Note: The earliest you can renew the same level license is January of the expiring year.
    • The NALC can only advance up to Level 2 (Level 3 does not exist).
    • If the educator does not have additional valid licenses on file, they must register for background/fingerprints for “Teacher Licensure.”

NALC Superintendent Recommendation Form


Delay of application:

  • Your application is lacking supporting documents listed in the above check list.
  • If your license(s) has expired (and you do not have additional valid licenses on file), and your background was completed 24 months or more, you will need to complete a new background for Teacher Licensure. School Employment backgrounds will not be accepted.

NMPED Correspondence with Educators:

  • Consultants correspond by email; please check your spam/junk folder.

All fees submitted are non-refundable



Page last updated February 24, 2025